One of the Rebranders noted that an average African when he gets to the top, he'll want to destroy the ladder so that only him would sit at that top. we see this when Obasanjo of Nigeria wanting a third tenure and was trying to adjust the constitution to achieve that, in Mugabe of Zimbabwe who ignored constitution and wants to rule into his 100s and to hand over to his wife, we see it in Biya of Cameroon who is still in power though his strength is failing him for old age, we see this in almost every African Nation. The average African when he sits in power would do everything within his power never to relinquish it till death.

while you might be thinking of blaming only political leaders, let me draw it home. We see same trend in government staffs who keep adjusting their ages so that they'll never retire for the next generation, we see it in business people who hid their secrets so that they could monopolized enterprises and we see it in extended families where an uncle would refuse to assist his nibbling because he fears when he does they'll do better than his children instead he tries to frustrates them so that his children would be better.

In Africa people wants to monopolize enterprise, power and opportunities and its our biggest problem. Its the reason we don't resist visionary leaders from emerging, the reason we destroy potential inventors from being showcased, its the reason same old political leaders are recycled every election year, its the reason our economy is poorly driven and the reason we are getting farther behind in politics, business and in every sector of economic growth.

Many years ago, I learnt a valuable lesson from the use of my phone's memory card. every application on that phone I had bought and someone asked me if I could please share some of those apps and medias with him for free. The thought of declining came but I resisted it and forwarded all the apps and songs and videos and he was grateful.
Few days after that day, something happened to my memory card and it got corrupted, and the only way for me to keep using it was for me to format it. Formatting one's memory card is always a difficult decision but for me it wasn't because the person I had shared my files with is within reach, I formatted it and went and looked for that person I had transferred all my apps and medias to, and he transferred it back saving me a lot of trouble.
When I was sharing my files with him for free, I never knew I was saving myself in the future.

If our future in Africa will be saved, we have to share opportunities to every one. The opportunity to also lead in politics, to share in our enterprise, and enjoy same opportunities with us etc.
It mustn't be your child, it mustn't be your blood relative but let it always be that person who has earned it more.
When those who had earned it more are brought on board, Africa will begin to take the lead in the affairs of the Nations.
A football team that'll does well its that one where the coach plays talented team players and not his sons and friends. a good team scouts for worthy players and brings them to the team, yes we must scout for worthy Africans, sponsor them to lead in politics, in business and in every sector of our economy and soon Africa would take the lead in the affairs of the Nations.
God bless you
Promise Ikpe (President Rebrand Africa)
Join Rebrand Africa, Let's Rebrand Africa


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