Just an advice

If your would be friend doesn’t have a good memory of those is his/her past life then such friend wont have good memory with you too when you are gone. If she is always accusing his/her past friends with evil just to impress you, he/her would also castigate you before his/her next friend just to impress them.
Those that gets rid of their past, would also annihilate their future.
A company that doesn’t have honor books where deeds of honourable men are been recorded wont record your honourable works. A boss that doesn't speak good of his former employers wont speak good of you.
Those that are loyal to their former staffs, friends, companies etc. would be loyal to you. And those that easily talk evil of their former relationships would also talk evil of yours. There is an adage in Igbo that says ‘azu onye ozu k’eji a mara azu onye’ meaning, its person’s back that it’s used to know how your back is. The way they describe other person at their absence it’s the way they would describe yours when you are not their.
Be careful of that girl that has dated hundreds of men when she is just 25, be careful of the guy that has dated multiple girls when he is just 30, don’t work with that company that doesn’t have the history of keeping her staffs etc.
To know what the future would look like, always look into the past, listen to the story; if other people’s story were shared to you in hate, yours too would be shared to others in disgust.
You are better than no one, if they can’t tolerate others, they won’t tolerate you too and if they aren’t loyal to others, they wont be loyal to you too.
God bless you
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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