You are not alone, Elijah felt same way and asked that God take away his life, Christ too before the cross had similar feeling. It is not strange to feel low at times.
I had been feeling low too; got tired without actually doing anything, never want to wake up from bed perhaps the unconscious feeling that i’m not ready to face what awaits me kept me in bed.
I talked to a friend and after which I felt like fighting this awful feeling, took a walk and meditated and this came to mind, perhaps I want to handle all the challenges before me at once that’s why am tired even before trying. God promises to give grace once at a time, I need not think about the whole challenges before me because God doesn’t give the whole provisions at a time (perhaps the thief might steal it from us before the time we shall seek to use it if He gave all we need for a year in a day), I only need to think about the immediate one because God supplies only for the immediate. Maybe that is why you are low and depressed too, you are thinking about the whole week’s bill instead thinking about the one of today.
I bless God I have the bible, it has solution to the woes of men, and this verse gave me a kick ‘take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof’. Matt. 6:34
We don’t take away the troubles of tomorrow by thinking about it today, instead we add to it (I still don't have the finance to handle my tomorrow's need but I refuse to think about it and face my today's need after-all, I got provisions from God only for today). Don’t think on how to pay the bills for the whole month, only think on how to pay for this month. When we break the problems into bits and trust God to handle each bits at we get to them, we shall see that they are no problems at all.
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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