One woman asked me after listening to all the much a mother has to do to be able to train her kids and said ‘it’s a damn long dos and don’t, sincerely, I can’t observe all that’. And I said, you don’t need to observe all that too, God didn’t call us to observe all the laws but just to love Him and our neighbours like Christ loves them. Then I asked, can you love God and your neighbours like Christ loves them? And she said yes, and then I said, that’s all you need to do to be able to train your kids; Loving God and loving your neighbours like Christ does
How to be a good parent is not trying to keep proving to your kids how perfect you are as a parent, when you try to show your kids you are a perfect parent by providing everything they need (materials and emotional) they would spend the rest of their lives trying to find your parental flaws.
The best way to train your kids is to show them your love for God and you how much you love your neighbours too. Let your kids know you as a parent that loves the Lord and your neighbours and that would be it. If you can love the Lord and your niegbhours as God loves them then you have observed all the principles of child’s training.
It’s those parents that try so hard to impress their kids and prove to their children that they are a great parent that end up raising delinquent children. Live your life to impress God and not your kids and your kids will grow up well trained because they would also grow up trying to impress God and loving the society.
When you love God, and love your neighbour as yourself, Christ said
On these two commandments (deeds) hang all the law and the prophets. Matt. 22:40
All the laws of child training are hinged on loving God and your neighbour. When you train your kids to know you as a parent that loves the Lord and neighbours you have effectively trained that kid in the most righteous way.
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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