you've rightly said

Many people have turned evil into righteousness because they’ve repeated such evil over and over again that it has become their livelihood and so they don’t want to hear that such evil is still evil.
Many who lie while doing certain businesses, they no longer consider such lie as sin, and they call it business because everyone who must engage in such business must lie to succeed on it.
Many men live with women they aren’t married to and yet call them wives even before God and the Holy church. These men still come to church and live as if living with a woman they aren’t properly married to isn’t sin. Many believers have married and divorced and remarried and divorced and yet they believe is not wrong to divorce or marry a divorced. Don’t call divorce righteousness because you’ve divorced and don’t think remarrying or marrying someone who divorced his/her spouse isn’t a sin because you married a divorcee.
‘Jesus said to her, "Go, call your husband, and come here." The woman answered him, "I have no husband." Jesus said to her, "You are right in saying, 'I have no husband'; for you have had five husbands, and he whom you now have is not your husband; this you said truly." John 4:16-18
Jesus commended a woman because she didn’t call the man she is living with her husband though they live together as husbands and wife.
You may have been deceived to call evil righteousness.
Many pastors and prophets who still operate under the power of God and yet live with women that are not their wives may forget that the working of the gifts of God in their life is not the show of God’s approval to their sinful lifestyle.
You’ve not rightly said when you call sin righteousness because you’ve so much entangled yourself into such sin that it has now become your lifestyle.
No matter how old and common a sin is, it would never become righteousness. God won’t change His standard for you, repent even if you are a pastor and be saved
God bless you
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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