A man’s immediate boss doesn’t want his promotion and thus he refuses to recommend him for promotion to the CEO of the company. As the time goes on, the CEO decided on himself to write letters of promotions to everyone who he thought deserved to be promoted due to the number of years they’ve put to the job. So he wrote the letter of promotion for this man and provided the adequate resource for his supposed new office but his immediate boss wouldn’t want him to see this letter of promotion so that he won’t demand for his promotion. This boss wanting to continue humiliating him kept using him for jobs that’s not part of his job description because he wanted to frustrate him so that he’ll quit asked him to clean his office and while he was cleaning the office, a file fell down and he saw the letter from the CEO concerning his promotion and all the benefits he should had begun to enjoy. That was the day things changed for him, he picked up the letter and with it demanded for his promotion and arrears accruing from all those times he was delayed from being promoted. Because he had a written letter as evidence, he got his promotion.
The only way the devil can stop a child of God is to hinder him from knowing what his inheritances in Christ Jesus are.
God has ordained/blessed us to be fruitful and to multiple. For examples, biologically, God gave the woman breast and elastic womb because babies will need to grow in the womb and suck breast. If God doesn’t intend that the woman be fruitful, He wouldn’t give her a breast and a womb. God has also given the man the seed, yes; God has given us the seed so that when planted, we’ll get fruits. Glory!
God has given us the entire resources and grace to be fruitful in life.
Gen 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply…I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide…John 15:16
God has chosen, enabled, blessed and ordained you to be fruitful and has also given us the seed that when planted will result into fruitfulness and no power on earth can stop what God has ordained in your life from being the way He ordained it. Sow your seed and Be fruitful in Jesus name.
God bless you
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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