our words are spirit and are life

TOPIC: Our words are spirit and are life
TEXT: It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.  John 6:63
INTRODUCTION: when we become born again, we become co natured or coheirs with Christ (Rom 8:17); His nature reveals our true nature. The nature of the word of God is reveals the nature of our words. Christ words are spirit and life, yes; our words are spirits and life. This means when we speak, we create realities. The kind of words you say becomes the realities you’ll face. By our words we shall either be condemned or justified (Matt. 12:37)
1.    ARE THERE WORDS WE ARE FORBIDING TO SAY AS HEIRS WITH CHRIST?: we shouldn’t sing songs with lyrics that portrays sins or chaos or death etc. we shouldn’t say we are sick, we are dead, we can’t do good, we can forgive or move on, we don’t know, we can’t life holier lives, we shouldn’t lie or speak evil of anyone especially pastors, government leaders, those who are our elders and whoever God has place above us. ( Acts 23:5, 1 Tim 4:2)
2.    WHAT ARE THE WORDS WE ARE TO BE SAYING: always singing psalms and making melody in our hearts with the promises of God,  speaking comfort and strength and truth and prosperity and health and life (Isa 40:1, Joel 3:10, Isa 33:24, Eph 5:19, Eph 4:15)
CONCLUSION: Let all …evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:  Eph. 4:31. We are the inhabitants of Zion (Heb 12:22), we don’t speak evil, and we know what we should say and what we shouldn’t be caught at anytime saying. We speak only the truth, we speak health and prosperity, we speak God’s promises and we make melody in our hearth from the rhema we received from God’s word. We don’t sing worldly songs which lyrics are evil and sinful, we don’t lie, talk ill of pastors, political leaders and those whom God has placed above us, we don’t curse or abuse people, we are residents of Zion, we belong there.


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