Adaugo was having an argument with her son, he had done some business and made money, she had asked for money but he had refused to give to her so she would find a way to take his money. He was so ready to beat her up until the money is restored and when asked why, he said 'I do everything for my mother and even do her business and give her the money and when I still find time to make money for myself, she wants to take it'

A child shouldn't do everything for the parents, a parent should do everything for the child.
Parents who misunderstand this servant leadership spirit are the ones who raises children that'll neglect them as adults. The way you treat your kids as children is the way they'll treat you when you are old; if you serve them, they'll serve you and if you exploit and use them, they'll exploit and use you.

Cecilia Ikpe my mother would always say, 'its my duty to serve my kids'. she washes for us, cooks for us, bathe us, work for us and put us first in all things. She didn't trained us to wash for her, or clean for her, or do anything for her, she trained us to do things for ourselves because she may not be always available to do them for us as she'll always say to us. And whenever she want us to do anything for her even though that which we are doing for her is what she is doing for us, she'll tell us to HELP HER help us. She won't be relax, while we are working even if we are the primary beneficiary of such work, she'll join us and always remind us that its her duty to serve us. When I wash my cloths, my mother would thank me, when I clean my room, she'll thank me, and when I do anything to raise money for my school fees, she'll thank me, 'its my duty, because I brought you people into this world' she'll always say. 
And right now, we want to do everything for her just like she had done everything for us.

Most children who neglect their parents as adults do so because their parents used them instead of serving them. They find it difficult to do anything for their kids; it hurts them that they have to clean for their kids, cook for their kids, pay the bills for their kids and serve their kids. Instead, they'll rather use their kids to wash for themselves, cook for themselves and raise money for the house etc.
While its good to train the children to be domestically responsible, do it to help them and not to help you. Train them to learn how to do all domestics for themselves and their future family and not primarily for them to relieve you of your duties to them.

Children who were properly served at home would serve in their homes too, they'll also serve their parents who had served them wholeheartedly.

1. I want to be a servant leader to my children
2. I want to see them at my obligations
3. I don't want to use them to serve me, rather I want to serve them
4. I don't want to treat them as their boss but as their servant.
5. I ask for the grace to respond to my children's need in Jesus name.


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