This was what someone asked me when she was so confused about her relationship. She said that her guy keeps telling her that she don’t love him, that if she does she would accept to sleep with him and he is threatening to end the relationship which she doesn’t want because she loves him so much. When I asked, if she knows if he sleeps with any other person? Yes, she said and when I confronted him he said it is because I don’t give it to him that’s why he goes to others and that hurts and pressures me into obliging to his request. I asked again, what do you really wanted from him? She said, care, attention and friendliness. I asked again, what does he want from you? She said, just sex and nothing more. I said, can you now see why this relationship cannot work? You want care, attention and friendliness and he is not ready to give any of these to you and the only thing he wants is the very thing you cant afford to give him and he is trying to use ‘emotional betrayal’ to breakdown you will.
When two people have two different aim in a project, they cant work together. If he wants sex that you cant give him because you are a christian and you want care which he cant give you because that was not why he came into your life, then you two are unequally yoked therefore uncompatible with each other-break out of that relationship before it breaks you.
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 2 Corrinthians 6:14
Never stay in any relationship where the other person doesn’t respect what you want and honor it. Having sex with him is never a proof you love him, it is his shrewd way of getting what he wants and leaving you in the lurch. There are people that wants to win your heart and not your body, people that respects your faith and creed in life, those that respects what you want…these are the people you should role out with. God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe Share the word


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