respect everyone

But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation. 1 Peter 1:15
An evangelist for whatsoever reason had a problem with the church he was serving in Lagos now came back home to his community in Aba where I was pastoring my first church. He want to come hang with my church so that he can still be preaching and be getting little allowances till he resolves his issues with his church and go back to Lagos. When he came to meet me, this was how the drama of our conversation took place.
My office has a large waiting room before it. I was in the waiting room and the door to my office was slightly opened.
Evangelist: good afternoon, it’s the pastor in office?
Me: oh, good afternoon, do you know him in person?
Evangelist: (seeing that the office was opened a little started moving towards it) don’t delay me, I want to meet with the pastor of this church.
Me: (quietly watching him move into my office and coming back because he saw no one) I am the pastor of this church, any problem?
Evangelist: (having realized himself) I’m so sorry sir, I thought you were his secretary; I never knew you are the pastor, so sorry sir, please sir, forgive my manners.
Me: if I’m the secretary, is this how you’ll talk and overlook me? Anyway, why do you want to see me?
Let’s not go on, he never knew I was the pastor because of the simple way I appeared in office that day and seeing that I wasn’t on my seat.
His application to assist me in that church suffered a great blow for that attitude.
Our text says, let’s be holy in all manner of conversation. The courtesy you’ll give to the rich, give it also to the poor, the respect you’ll give to the boss, give it also to the gateman.
We don’t respect people for what they are, but for who we are.
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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