how adventist started

*William Miller*, a Baptist preacher *predicted the world would end in 1844* with the Second Coming of Christ. Miller’s followers condemned all the churches of the day as apostate and “Babylon,” and warned Christians to come out of them. Many joined him, and the “adventist” movement was born and grew rapidly (*''advent'' in Latin means 'the arrival of an important person'*).
Christ of course did not appear in 1844, so after this “Great Disappointment,” one “little flock” still insisted the date of their original predictions had been correct. They decided *the event marked by 1844 was not the Second Coming, but the entrance of Christ into the Holy of Holies in the Heavenly Sanctuary.* There, they said, He began the “Investigative Judgment.” This doctrine says that in 1844 Jesus entered the heavenly sanctuary and started to investigate sins and thus announce who of the dead would be worthy of resurrection and heaven and who among the living keeps the commandments of God and is loyal so thus worthy of the kingdom; also they said Jesus had started to finally remove sins, as until 1844 confessed sins were transferred by the blood of Jesus and deposited into the sanctuary.
This doctrine was received and endorsed by Ellen G. White (I.J, p680).
This false doctrine was invented to avoid being called 'false prophets' because they prophesied world would end in 1844.
Here are proofs this '1844-Sanctuary' doctrine is wrong:
-Heb9:24 says Jesus has ''entered'' heaven, past tense, to represent us; v26 says Jesus has removed sins once and for all; v28 says Jesus will come second time not in view of sin but to bring salvation to those who await him (rapture 1Thes4:17 and resurrection of our physical body 1Cor15:51)
*2. Jesus perfected us forever through his sacrifice* Heb10:14; if sins were still in heaven until 1844 then Christians that lived before 1844 were not perfected yet
*3. Through the blood of Jesus we have a new and living way to enter the Most Holy place* Heb10:19,22 ; if sins were kept in the Most Holy place till 1844, then man was not welcome before God in the Most Holy place until 1844 therefore the writer of Hebrews was wrong
*4. Right after the resurrection Jesus said to Mary, ''don't touch Me for I have not ascended yet to the Father''* see Jn20:17; as a high priest, no defiled thing or person was allowed to touch Jesus before going into the Holy of Holies (Hagai2:13, Lev21:23); a few days later Jesus has asked Thomas to touch him Jn20:27, as *He had already gone into the Most Holy place with His blood to present his sacrifice for all sins before the Father*; even for the sins of those that were not yet born, ''once and for all'' Heb7:27
*5. Heb1:3 says Jesus has done already the cleansing of sins*, past tense, not ''will do'' as Adventists believe
*6. Heb1:3 says Jesus 'sat down at the right hand of the Father'*; Jesus took all sins upon himself upon the cross 1Pet2:24, if sins were not already removed by the blood of Jesus on the cross then Jesus could not have sat at the right hand of the Father until 1844, if Jesus was still loaded with sin
*7. 'Investigative Judgment' adventist theory says in 1844 Jesus started to investigate who is worthy of heaven* through keeping the laws of God; however *heaven is not by merit* through keeping God's commandments (10 commandments of Moses) as no human has ever kept them perfectly; *heaven is a gift through faith in Jesus' sacrificial death of the cross* Rom6:23; see our studies on salvation
*8. Date 1844 is calculated from Dan8:14*, ''two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed” *but the Bible does not give a starting point for when the 2300 days count should start*; 2300 days are not to be interpreted here as 2300 years; the 2300 days are yet a future event, just as the 7 years of tribulation and the entrance of Antichrist into the (yet future) temple are also future events, see 2Thes2:4
*9. Sanctuary cleansing: Dan8:9 says the little horn had defiled the sanctuary* and it would be cleansed after 2300 days; how can a ''small horn'' (Rome, according to Adventists) defile the heavenly sanctuary that Jesus had to cleanse in 1844? It is clear from the Scriptures that it is about an earthly sanctuary, see again 2Thes2:4
*10. Ellen White says in TGC page 422 that the sin of mankind was transferred through the blood of Jesus to the sanctuary in heaven and sin will be placed by Jesus on Satan* (see Lev16, the goat and scapegoat: one goat is sacrificed for sin and the other one is chased away into the desert; first represents Jesus who took our sins on the cross, second represents Satan: this last one is chased away with all memory of sin, not with sins; first goat was sacrificed for sin v9, second is chased away with the spoken list of sins v21, as Satan, the accuser of brethren, speaks and repeats sins: he is chased away with all memory of sin and its accusation); Jesus carried our sins on the cross 1Pet2:24, not Satan; sins were washed by the blood of Jesus, sins will not go to hell with Satan
*11. The Bible does not say that sin was ever transferred to heaven as Adventists believe*; Jesus had to go to heaven with his blood to present his finished sacrifice to the Father; sin was already paid on the cross, not in heaven 1Pet3:18, 1Jn3:5, 1Jn4:10, Rev1:5; Heb1:13 says God can't look upon evil, iniquity, sin, if heaven was filled with mankind's transferred sin then God would be blind until 1844;
-Heb9:23 says the heavenly tabernacle had to be cleansed: the blood cleansed or blotted away the declaration of guilt that was proclaimed by the divine standards against us Col2:14, Eph2:15,16
*12. Ellen White taught that Jesus will eventually finish his mediation ministry and Christians will have to stand alone before God*, being judged by their works in regards to heaven or hell, see The Great Controversy, p425; Heb7:25 contradicts this error, ''He ever lives to make intercession for us''; Eph2:8to10 we are saved not by works but by grace, also Tit3:5; works of Christians will be analyzed not to determine access to heaven or hell, but rewards in heaven 1Cor3:10to15
*12. Ellen taught "...Satan has taken full possession of the Churches"* (Spiritual Gifts V.l,p189,90); I agree Satan has different degrees of influence on many churches through wrong doctrines and practices, but ''full possession''?... In light of the above points, Ellen was actually in full possession of Satan. Satan has full possession of cults: cult-worshipers are not saved, following a fully demonic religion.
Any religion that denies salvation by grace alone comes wholly from Satan. Imagine a meal made by God in which Satan adds a bit of poison and again imagine a meal made by Satan, which resembles a bit God's meal. How do you discern the difference? With the Bible.
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by Pastor Daniel Timofte, ''Greater Grace Bible College of Zimbabwe'';


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