Topic; WHO HAD NOT SWORN DECIETFULY (the Christian and deceitful earnings) Ps. 24:3-5

Topic; WHO HAD NOT SWORN DECIETFULY (the Christian and deceitful earnings) Ps. 24:3-5

You earn so much in a very short time and with little or no effort, how come you get this much when many of your mate are still struggling to attain a little of all that you’ve come to earn
ANS1: we import fake products from China and design the logos for these fake china products; we design logos of LG, Samsung, and Sony etc. of genuine and known product and place them on these nameless Chinese electronic and when we sell at the price of these known genuine electronic products, we make lots of gains
ANS2: we sell hard drugs through a complicated network of buyers and agents, we can sell a small packet of hard drug for so much and because its addictive, the demand keeps increasing
ANS3: We pose as companies offering jobs and selling goods and services on the internet and when any gullible people transacts or apply for job online in our network, we charge him and after collecting, disappear or we infiltrate dating sites, date gullible rich senior ladies and through such relationship keep collecting from them till they are broke them we disappear, we also use various deceitful means in relation to our client (the person we want to fraud)
ANS 4: As seniors officers in government offices, we enlist people who do not exist as staffs and collect their salaries at the end of the month, we also charge for services our offices are meant to discharge free of charge or collect bribe from those we are obligated to offer services to without charges.
The story might go on of how several people, especially believers earn through deceitfulness.
Our text says, ‘Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place?  He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation.  Ps 24:3-5’
Whoever earns deceitfully won’t ascend into the hill of the Lord or stand in His holy place meaning, such person won’t see heaven no matter the good things he or she did with such wealth gotten through deceitfulness. Being philanthropic, building churches and helping the poor with wealth gotten through deceitfulness and swearing falsely won’t earn you salvation
Have you lifted your soul unto vanity because of the vain pleasures of the world, if you have, you can repent today before it’s too late.
If you’ve not involved yourself into deceitful earnings, don’t be envious of sinners because you shall receive the blessings from the Lord and righteousness from the God of your salvation. No deceitful earning can make anyone wealthier than the blessings of the Lord and most importantly, you shall ascend the hill of the Lord and stand in His holy place
God bless you
Pastor Promise Ikpe


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