He couldn’t understand what happened and how it happened, what he is hearing now, how come it happened. He was so confused and doesn’t know what emotions to even feel. He wanted to cry but no tears were coming forth, he felt like he is insane. He would scratch his head over and over again, trying to fathom what had happened and how come it happened. He tried retracing his step on his mind, how he couldn’t recognize that his latest concubine is his daughter.
He looked at the mother of his recent wife, as she too was very disturbed and confused how she was careless to the point that her daughter would marry her father. She wished she had being in the life of her daughter, if she has, maybe the story would have been different.
It hurt her so much, but now it’s too late, she doesn’t even know what to call the child of her daughter: Grandchild or Step-child.
The daughter had decided to kill herself, she couldn’t understand how come she ended up marrying her father, and she wished she had known who her father was as a child. The father didn’t even know she is her daughter, and the mother had not bothered to tell her about her father the numerous times she had asked as a kid. She had seen her mother with various men. She too had been dating various older men because she wanted a father figure in her life but now that she thinks she has finally nailed the perfect sugar-daddy for her, her world came crashing as she discovers he is her father.
Before she commits suicide, she went to her mother to ask, she wanted to know the details before dying, with tears in her eyes, she walked up to her mother. Not knowing how to phrase her question, ‘please mother, tell me what just happened?’ She asked her mother, and she said…’your husband or father was married to a certain woman and cheating on the woman with me. At first, he lied about being married and kept his marriage a secret but soon I’ll come to know when a woman who introduced herself as his wife would confront me. Instead of backing out of the affair with her husband I made up my mind to see to it that he leaves her for me. I didn’t confront him with the truth because I didn’t want to lose him and then I got pregnant and told him. He advised me to abort you, and because I wasn’t ready to have you, I tried various means to abort you in vain. When I told him it failed, he threatened to leave the relationship if I couldn’t find a means to abort you. Because you insisted on living, he forsook me and till date he never cared to know you. I tried telling him I got his daughter, but he wouldn’t care to reply’. It’s that why you hated me because I’ve refused to die when you tried aborting me? She asked. The mother affirmed by nodding her head, then she continued ‘I was angry, your father who was my source of livelihood had left me because of you and I couldn’t dispose of you no matter what means I had employed. I blamed all my suffering on you, I said to myself, if you’ve not insisted on living, I wouldn’t had suffered this much, your father would had continued to pay my bills and give me monies as he usually did. But you just came into my life and that ceased, so I hated you, blamed all my misfortunes on you and I couldn’t control the hatred. I sent you to your grandmother (my mother) to live with her because it angered me to see you and I might be tempted to do something that’ll land me in the prison. When you left to live with my mother, I pretended you never existed.
The girl on hearing this began to understand the brain behind the wickedness and neglect she had endured from her mother and made a decision not to die. She looked with her mom with anger and determination and said, ‘if I survived abortions, I’ll survive this’ and walked out her…and confronted her father, she looked at him and asked, should I call you husband or father? Stupid man! Answer me! What should I call you? The man had been lost in thought since the revelation that her concubine is her daughter. He disgusted himself for involving himself with his daughter. He thought of the many other children he might have had with his several concubines and how they may look like. He couldn’t respond to his daughter/concubine, he doesn’t even know what to do to his child/grandchild; it was a lot for him to take in. I need help! I really need help!! He exclaimed.
There was no word fit enough to use in apologizing to his daughter/wife, he doesn’t even know the next step to take, so he ignored her and went into the room and got himself locked up.
He wouldn’t come out of the room for two days, he had suddenly lost his appetite and tears were pouring out of his eyes as he lay on the floor ceaselessly. He then decided to pray, he wants God to help him. After praying for a while, he stood up and went to his friend who he has known over the years as a Christian because he had tried warning him about his promiscuous lifestyle and had been encouraging him to give his life to God.
When he got to his friend, he told him everything that had happened, it was too much for his friend too, he took him to his pastor and after they told the pastor what just happened, the pastor opened to Leviticus 18:6-7 ‘None of you shall approach to any that is near of kin to him, to uncover their nakedness: I am the LORD.  The nakedness of thy father, or the nakedness of thy mother, shalt thou not uncover: she is thy mother; thou shalt not uncover her nakedness. ‘
S*x is so sacred that it must be done properly for it not to destroy us, and God gave us guidelines on whom we shouldn’t have s*x with, the word of God said, whoever is related to us by blood shouldn’t be our s*x mates. Your marriage with your daughter is an abominable act. The man tearfully said in response, ‘I’ve had a child with my daughter’. The pastor became even more shocked and confused and said ‘it’s quite unfortunate that it had resulted into a child. I’m confused; I don’t even know what to do about this. I’ll pray and get back to you….the man went home and wouldn’t have peace as he kept reading that scripture, and he appalled himself for engaging himself with his daughter. He started thinking about the many ladies he had slept with and wondered how many of them he had impregnated who didn’t abort. He wondered how many resultant children he didn’t know are out there prostituting, sleeping with various men, begging and probably into drugs and robbery etc. he searched on google about ‘children raised without a father figure’ and he saw stories of various drug addicts and arm-robbers and prostitute who became a problem to the society because of the negligence of their fathers and girls who dates older men because of the lack of a father figure in their lives. He wondered the harm he must have brought to the society and the world at large over his promiscuity and negligence. A particular story he read online about an armed robber who was sentenced to die for armed robbery whose father he never knew kept haunting him, he wondered the fate of his many children he had abandoned and wouldn’t sleep as he kept weeping. His current children whom he had accepted to train kept wasting his money on drugs and his little girl has been caught sleeping with young boy. The thought that it must be because of his negligence towards the many children with various women who had refused to abort is the reason the two children are wasteful and irresponsible. While browsing, he decided to view the video of the process of abortions, and he saw process of how the forming babies are dismembered in the womb and how the babies struggles and died, and he wondered with regrets the  many children he had forced their mothers to abort. The devil started whispering to him that God hate him for all the murders, immoralities, heartbreaks he had caused to various women and children he had abandoned to suffer and the guilt overwhelmed him. He started feeling suicidal and depressed and overwhelmed by guilt. He then wanted to commit suicide as a way out of all the predicament and as he was about to hang himself on his ceiling fan, he received a text which content would save him from killing himself, the content read…’Jesus died for you to be free of your sins and its guilt’. The number was unfamiliar; he tried calling the number who sent the text over and over again in vain. He then sat down to wonder what the text must mean, he had thought God would abhor him for his many sins, he wondered the hatred he has for himself and the possible hatred his many children would have on him. He wondered at God’s word. He then decided to google with that phrase on the text, and he found many bible text to support the message on that text, one of the scriptures that sent shivers down His spine was John introducing Christ ‘The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world’ John 1:29’
He wondered at Christ taking away all his sins, the possibility of that, he couldn’t believe it, so He went back to the pastor, and the pastor would explain it more to him. When he was still struggling to come to terms with what the scripture was saying, the pastor said, ‘if God says He will take away your sins, why do you doubt His ability to perform what He had promise should you trust in Him?’. He would give his life to Christ and for the first time felt peace, joy and right with God. Now he wants to make it right with his daughter and the many women he had used and abandoned. He asked the pastor for help as he invited the daughter and her mother, share with them the decision he had made with God. The daughter would also make the decision with her mother to give their lives to God. The child the daughter had for him would become sick and later died.  The daughter made a decision to build her life academically after the death of her son, no more relationship until I’ve achieved my career she promised herself. The father had decided to train her to any level she wants to.
When the father thought all is now well, he would receive a call from his past that would leave him for dead…., ‘your son is about to be sentenced to death’ which son he asked? Do you even remember me? Stupid man! You left me to single handed train him, now he is about to die, I just want you to know. He would call the pastor and went to see his estranged son. He looked exactly like him when they went to see him at the prison remand and that broke his heart. His son would call him after he was told he is his father and pretended he wanted to whisper to his ear and bite it off. There was blood everywhere as he was rushed to hospital for surgery while his son was returned to the prison remand. He wrote to the prison officers telling them not to add his action to his current charge. H made investigation and found out the family he was robbing before he was arrested, and promised to pay them double and treat whoever he had harmed during the robbery. The family would agree and forgave him, and he was released. He would apologize to the boy, brought him home and made a decision to train him. He then started tracing all the women he had suspected he must had had kids with and taking up their training while settling the women financially. Soon he had identified 10 children with various women, conducted DNA tests on each and decided to train them all. Some of them were sick, addicted to drugs, dropped out of school, petty traders, living with step fathers who hated and maltreated them and experiencing various social vices.
Today he is a happier father of many children, reconciled with his main wife whom he had cheated with multitudes of women, and they are happy serving God together. The main wife is grateful because at last God had answered her prayers and her home has been restored though she has to live with the many children from various women as her. One day her friend asked her, ‘why do you live with the children of other women as if they are yours?’ She replied, ‘every child is God’s child and parenthood is a divine responsibility therefore I have to care for them as unto the Lord’
The end.


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