--------------- --------------- ----------- All scriptures is given by inspiration if God, and is
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for
instruction in righteousness.2 Timothy 3:16.
 The Hindu writings of the Rig-Veda (a collection of
Hymns), The Buddhist ‘Cannon of Three Baskets’.
The Qur’an, claimed to have been transmitted from
God through the Angel Gabriel. The Book of Mormon,
reportedly given to Joseph Smith in the United States by
an Angel called Moroni and many more supposed sacred writings. If they are Divinely inspired as some
sects assert, then they would had point man to Christ
Jesus The only way, only truth and life, but in contrary,
they point men to either men or exposes him to a false
god and pseudo worship.
The only book that revealed the only true God to man is the Bible. It connects the finite man with the infinite
God. It is in two major parts; the Old Testament and the
New Testament. It consist of sixty six books; 39 of
which are in the Old Testament, 27 in the New
Testament. It was originally written predominantly in
Hebrew and Greek. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew and Aramaic, while the New Testament was
written in Greek language.
The Old Testament is prophecies that are fulfilled in the
New Testaments. The Old Testament is shadows of
things to come while the New Testaments is the image
of the real thing Jesus Christ. The bible was written by some 40 writers of vastly
different social, educational and professional
backgrounds. The writings were done over 16
centuries (1600 years) and yet, their theme was the
same as they were inspired by the Holy-Spirit (2
Timothy 3:16).

 Historical Accuracy: Events recorded in the bible are in
full harmony with proved historical facts. The bible
gives an accurate precision of name, place and time of
events. For example, ’ the words of Nehemiah the
son of Hachaliah. And it came to pass in the month of
Chisleu (November) in the twentieth year, as I was in Shushan the palace. (Compare Ezekiel 1:1-3, Matthew
2:1). The story of Egypt in relations to Israel of old is
stilled retained in the Middle East as a proved historical
The bible is not like a myth or legend that its event is
not precise with name, time and place.

Scientific Accuracy: the bible wrote about the earth
been spherical and suspended in the space, not
confirmed by science until the 16th century, it is stated
at Isaiah 40:22 and Job 26:7.
Although in 1859 the English naturalist Charles Darwin
(1809-82) published his origin of species and presented a direct challenge to the Bible teachings of creation by
God. If his proposals was right, that life must have
started spontaneously by chance and for that to
happen, some how the right chemicals would had to
come together in the right quantities under the right
temperature and pressure and other controlling factors and maintained time and even at that, who
gave the right chemicals, right quantities and time for
the process to happen?. If it is true, the process would
had repeated for every individual e.g. every butterfly
underwent the circle of metamorphosis, it passes
through the egg-larva-pupa- imago, and it happens for every butterfly. If men had developed gradually
from simple forms to it’s complex present form like
the butterfly then every man should had been the
repetition of such process, none should had been born
a full fledged human-being. You see, we still fall back
to the bible to learn of creation for it had proved advanced than science.

 Unerring prophecies: the prophecies about Jesus that
was made centuries before His birth were fulfilled to
its minute detail, Jesus own prophecies about the
destruction of Jerusalem were accurately fulfilled
( Luke 19:41-44) and the prophecies about the last days
given by Christ in Matthew 24; Luke 21 and Mark 13 etc are being fulfilled these days in our very eyes.

Holy- Spirit’s Attestation: The bible is the only book
that the Holy Spirit attests to for every human need;
salvation, healing, sanctification, protections etc. in fact, every of God’s providence for man-kind is
revealed in the bible and only the bible not the book of
Mormon, Qur’an or any other supposed sacred book.
An atheist asked a woman that was coming back from
a bible study,’ I hope you don’t believe the
nonsense they are teaching over there?’. The woman replied “I believe it, because I had become
acquainted with the author- The Holy-Spirit”. I believe the bible because the Holy-Spirit attests to it
as the author and the only sacred book that reveals
God to man. Countless men had been saved, healed,
sanctified and transformed including me courtesy of
the bible.
No other book has the above credentials. Its central theme is CHRIST AND HIS WORK OF SALVATION (John
20:25, Luke 24:25-27)
Countless men have misinterpreted the scriptures,
because of their carnal approach to it like Charles T.
Russell of the Watchtower Tract Society; who claimed
that Christ had returned in the Spirit in 1874, the world
would end and the golden age will start in 1914 and
many other false eschatological predictions etc, remember the bible is not a novel. The bible warns’…
the natural man does not receive the things of the
spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he
known them, because they are spiritually discerned.’
The bible is only discerned by those God opened there
eyes of understanding as Jesus did to those two men on there way to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-32).
 Thomas Jefferson removed words he doesn’t like
from the bible and published the Jefferson bible before
he knew it, he wasn’t holding a bible. For any word
short of or added to the bible makes it not a bible, the
bible is perfectly okay. Jesus said, ‘…one jot or one
title shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled’ every jots and title in the bible makes it the
bible and anything short of those jots and iota makes it
not the bible (Rev. 22:18-19). NB. The book of Mormon is never another testament of
Jesus as the Latter Day Saints asserts. The book of
Revelation warns that no one should add or remove
from the bible; the book of Mormon is an example of
such addiction the scriptures warns us about. The bible
again never made mention of Moroni; the supposed Angel that gave the book of Mormon to Joseph Smith,
so Moroni could be anything from any where to
deceive the world. God bless you as you stick only to the bible and depend
only on the Holy-Spirit for understanding for a perfect
knowledge of the only true GOD. I love you.

Pastor promise Ikpe


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