Pluck all the mangoes from a tree, after a while you'll find mangoes again, take all the billions from a billionaire, after a while you'll find him with billions again. Wealth is not what we have, but who we are and what we've trained our minds to lay hold of.
a billionaire is not the one who has billions (though billionaires have billions) but the man who can make billions anytime because he has trained his mind to guide his hands into making billions. Take every money away from him and take him to a neutral ground, within A shortest time, he'll have billions again. Wealth is not what is in the hands, but what is in the mind.

The African child who doesn't believe he is a billionaire has placed a limit to the amount of wealth that'll flow to him. When its possible in your heart, it would be achievable with your hands.

We are who we believe we are, when we improve on how we see ourselves, we've improved on what we'll get in life. The man who believes that he is worth billions at anytime would always have billions at anytime. Take away everything from the man who believes he has everything, soon everything would return to him. No man can truly be made poor if he doesn't think poor. True victory over poverty is the victory of the mind. The rich man who has the poor mindset would soon be poor and the poor man with a wealthy mindset would soon be rich. Disaster awaits the rich man who thinks like a poor man and opportunity awaits the poor man who thinks like a wealthy man. Who do you believe you are? A poor man? A millionaire? Or a billionaire? Improve on that and your finance would improve greatly.

God bless You
Promise Ikpe


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