I met a friend whom I knew hawked packaged water in traffic, he now runs a big business. I knew him when he was selling those package of water (aka pure water) and he was ridiculed for it. I gave him accommodation then because he was putting up in a church before we met. He is now doing very well financially. I also knew many people who refused to began from that point where he began and till today they haven't begun anything because they are afraid what people would say when they see them beginning from the lowest point in life. Pride and the fear of what people would say is the reason so many are still living in abject poverty today. They are afraid of the ridicule they might get if they decide to hawk in the market, traffic or streets etc. as long as you can't begin small, you cannot begin at all.

To train the African child to be wealthy, trained him not to be ashamed of starting from the lowest point in life while keeping his vision on the sky.

God honors those who humbles themselves, and He set them high, that's why the greatest men we celebrate today all without exception had history of starting small. The richest black men we have in Africa hawked on the streets in their early days. The aim is to start small, while thinking big. Start by hawking on the streets and talk to people about your services but plan to grow from selling on the streets to selling to nations. Never mind what people would say about your noble venture, those who mind what people would say are the poor people in our world today. Think big by educating your mind while working from the lowest point. Your business would grow as big as your vision. The mustard seed is so small, but the tree is the greatest, start small and never mind what anyone would say.

God Bless You
Promise Ikpe


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