she failed despite getting it all

She used the wrong translation
We do organize bible competition for children and teens from various branches of church in our catchment area. The competition includes recitations, bible quiz and essay writing. One day, a little girl came and recited perfected with demonstrations one of the books we gave out to competing churches. She was the only one that read all of the recitation without any mistake and with a perfect demonstration but after the judges met, one of the judges said, this girl deserves an 100% mark for this perfect recitation and demonstration but she will be getting nothing, when all the audience were like protesting that its wrong, that its cheating, the chief judge rose up and said, though she got everything correctly; the recitation and demonstration but she didn’t get the most important thing rightly. Impatient people among the audience started shouting, what else was it she didn’t get right what else was it she didn’t get right? The judge said, she used the wrong translation of the bible. At that point did the girl and the audience remembered that it was emphasised that every competitor use the Revised Standard Version of the bible if they are to stand a chance and for whatsoever reason this girl used the wrong translation of the bible and despite her hard work she got nothing for it.
This will be the similitude of what will happen to many supposed zealous believers on the Day of Judgment.
For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. Romans 10:2-3
The Jews wants to get salvation by telling themselves what to do to please God without asking God ‘what should we do to please you?’
Are you among those that don’t want to take correction, you want to establish your own righteousness? Remember when you don’t give your life to Jesus; no other good thing that you’ll do that will lead you to heaven no matter how hard you try. Don’t try to establish your own righteousness, believe in the Lord and be saved.
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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