Seeing what mothers do in weaning their children shows me what self denial is all about. She won’t sleep till the child is asleep both in the day and in the night, when her child is hungry she won’t eat till her child has been properly fed, when the child is playing, she gives all her concentration on the child so that the child won’t be hurt while playing, even when she doesn’t want to play, if the child come desiring to play with her, she abandon every other thing to play with the child. No matter how neatly dressed she is, she will clean the child’s shits and carry the child no matter how dirty the child is.
You can’t be a mother without first denying yourself.
Self denial is the willingness to let go of even your legitimate pleasure for a course you deem as been greater. Self denial is to first think about the other thing before oneself.
Christian are failing to serve God sincerely because they want to sleep first before they pray, they want to eat first before they fast, they want to buy for themselves first before they give, yes, they first want to do things for themselves before they will be ready to do anything for God.
Christianity is making less impact because Christians first want to be graduates, build mansions, buy several cars, marry etc. before they give their attention to God fully.
Then said Jesus unto his disciples, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. Matt. 16:24
Whatsoever you deny yourself to follow and serve God, you’ve not lost it. Peter said to Christ, we’ve left all to follow you, and what shall we get, and Christ replied a hundred fold of all that they left (see mark 10:28-30). You see, when you deny yourself pleasure and education and wealth for the sake of the gospel, you’ll also reap the multiplied increase of all that you left; you don’t lose by denying yourself anything to follow Christ Jesus.
God bless you
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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