I grew up amidst Adventist members; my uncle and aunty belong to the Adventist family and right now, the Adventist church is using one of our empty buildings for their service. I attend Sabbath classes and heard so much of their teachings and emphasis on Saturday worship, I read articles claiming that Sunday worshipers are sinners and have broken God’s covenant “keeping the Sabbath holy”. I have studied scriptures like these (Ex. 20:8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Ex 31:14-15; Le 19:3,30; 26:2; De 5:12) and I still don’t know why Saturday folks finds it hard to accept those that worships others days.
My first reaction to this question is the understanding that most Adventist and Christian sects that believes only Saturdays should be worship days is ‘what should we do on other days if Saturday is the only day that should be kept Holy, unholy?
The priest were allowed to work on Sabbath days and Christ worked on Sabbath days, what is th work the bible permits then on such days ‘isnt the works of God?’ God’s works are to be propagated on Saturdays, now my question is, is it only on Saturdays’ that we shall do the works of God?
God rested on the Sabbath day (Saturday) because it was when creation ended and He used it as a sign (token of covenant) between Himself and the Jews (ex. 31:17), the Sabbath is a token of covenant to the Jews, Christ is the token of covenant to the world. The Disciples of Christ started meeting on Sundays after the resurrection and Christ didn’t show discontented over it because He joined them on the first Sunday gathering and the second Sunday gathering. (See John 20:19, 26)
Col 2:16 ¶ Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:
Take note of ‘an holyday’, there is no ‘an holy’ day now, every day is what you say it is to the Lord. If you declare only Saturdays as Holy day, then you’ve inadvertently declared the others unholy. In some Middle East countries when Sundays are work days and Thursdays and Fridays are religious days, churches meet on Fridays, would you say it’s a sin because they worship God on Fridays?
Am not against Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday etc. worship, we are the Lord of Sabbath Luke 6:5 (son of man mean us), its any day we declare to be Sabbath that is Sabbath unless you are from Israel and in Israel.
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
This is by no means enough...i don’t want it to be too long but I shall take your questions.


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