Is Saturday important to God? Yes, it’s important to God because He rested and hallowed it and commanded that it be kept Holy.
Is Saturday the only day of worship? Nope, Christ fellowshipped with His disciples on a Sunday and commanded that nothing He created be called common (unholy) (acts. 10:15) showing it’s not only Saturday that should be kept Holy.
Is God against worshipping Him on Sundays or other days? Am yet to get anyone prove so to me, even the Coptic bishop the pledged 1000$ to anyone that can prove the Saturday is not a worship day has not been able to prove to me that other days aren’t worship worthy.
Doesn’t worshipping God on Sundays means the worship of the sun god? The bible says Idols is nothing (1cor. 8:4), when I worship on Sunday or any other days, my worship is unto the Lord. Man is in charge of creation and not any inanimate thing like a supposed sun god. In genesis God gave the earth in the hands of man, and till now, we are incharge here and not some sought of inanminate god.
Is it catholic that changed Saturday to Sunday? Well, even Adventist worships on other days besides Saturdays, I can’t figure our why they are so against Sunday worship.
What question do you have for those against Sunday worship? My question is, let them prove to me that other days aren’t worship worthy? Let them defend that Christ didn’t fellowship with His disciples on a Sunday (See John 20:19, 26)? Let them tell prove to me that they don’t fellowship except for Saturdays?
Am not against Saturday worship but against anyone that thinks Saturdays should only be the day of worship. Whoever says Saturday is the only worship days is a hypocrite unless such person never worships God unless it’s Saturday.
Paul warned ‘Col 2:16 Let no man therefore judge you ... in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days”
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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