‘…and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn’ Luke 2:7.
All the rooms in Bethlehem Judea had been fully occupied, thousands had been traveling back to be enrolled for Ceasar Augustus had decreed that the entire world should be censured.
All the Land lords to every available Inn have had enough tenants for the night.
Most of the inn have stables for Donkey, Ass or Horse as the case may be for any traveler/tenants that have any of the above animals. It was in this place made for these animals that Christ was born.
The time of the birth of Christ has always been the busy period for people; it’s a festive period and also a time when people are quite busy doing nothing and everything.
Though the real purpose of the decree was so that the prophecy that Christ would be born in Bethlehem Judea would be fulfilled, the man the decree was meant for couldn’t get a space in the city God had ordained for His birth except for a manger just because all the inn keepers has had enough travelers/tenants for the night. Mary resorted to a stable in a manger because there was no room for them in the Inn.
Just like the celebration of the birth of Christ is the reason for the season yet Christ has no place in the heart of many celebrants. Many are already prepared to party, visit their sex mates, show-off new cloths and stuffs etc. They've prepared to celebrate Christ in an Anti-christ and sinful way.
We can't be celebrating Jesus in the worldly fashion, that's mockery.
2 Timothy 2:19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
You can be celebrating Christ in iniquity. If today is the celebration of the birthday of the Savior, we need celebrate like the angels did when they sang glory in the highest and like the shepherds did when the spread the news of Christ birth. (See Luke 2)
You can only celebrate Christ properly today by joining in service of songs of joy to heaven and preaching about His coming to the world and not by partying, travelling,showing off, alcoholism and immorality etc.
You didn't celebrate Christ but yourself if you celebrate in sin and worldliness today.
And you can't celebrate Christ if you've not made room for Him in your heart. The inn keepers had had enough tenants that there was no more room for Christ, I hope you too aren't too occupied for Jesus today.
Rev. 3:20 says Christ is knocking at the door of our heart because He still seeking for a room to stay. He is still outside; open up your heart today that He may come in. To open your heart today for Jesus, please sincerely repeat this prayer:
LORD JESUS, today I confess you as the LORD and personal savior of my life. I open up the door of my heart to you today, come in and occupy my heart as my LORD and SAVIOR. Thank you for coming in. in Jesus name I pray.
If you have made this prayer, then Christ has come into your heart and you are a child of God. You just celebrated Christmas the right way.
Goto church today, that's the best place to be in celebrating Christ's birth unless you have an unbiblical Christmas agenda.
Pastor Promise IkpeH


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