study to show thyself approved

SINGLES ABLAZE CAMP 3rd till 5th Jan. 2016
2Ti 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Paul wrote to Timothy a young bishop (overseer) of the church because there were certain issues which had been causing destructive arguments among the saints that needed precise theological accuracy for it to be addressed (see 2 Tim. 2:14). Certain teachers then have begun to misinterpret the scriptures, perhaps juxtaposing the Pre-Cross gospel and the after Cross messages and thereby subverting or ruining the spiritual life of their hearers. (It’s worthy to note that to be wrongly informed is more dangerous than to be uninformed).
How does this relate to us today and how can the message of Apostle Paul relate to us today?
To be able to answer this question, we must first take note of these important facts
1.     WE ARE WORKMEN IN GOD:  Eph 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works…,  ‘1Ti 5:10 Well reported of for good works…’. God created us to be workmen right from Eden. The life of bliss God intended for man from creation is that life that is devoid of laziness. We can’t function by any means for God if we aren’t workmen. Work is not a means to an end; it’s an end in itself, whoever that doesn’t work has ceased to be alive. 1Tim 5:10 makes us understand that God doesn’t want whoever that is not reputed to be full of good works as His servant. Can you declare to yourself this, ‘I am a workman, created in Christ for Good works and I shall be full of good works in Jesus name’
2.     GOD INPECTS HOW WE WORK: God monitors how we work when we work. We must therefore work to win His approval. Not all work would be rewarded but good works done in love; for the expansion of God’s kingdom in the hearts of men and for the betterment of the society. You can’t be a child of God if you aren’t serving properly. Those who serve because of money or some kind of instant gain aren’t serving well, you only serve well when you serve to be seen by God and rewarded by God and not men.
3.     RIGHTLY USING YOUR WORK TOOLS: Timothy was to study God’s word properly so that he can rightly teach it. Don’t go for the quick read, study, don’t just glance through, invest your time meditatively in assimilating the knowledge you seek to acquire. The world is going fast, but you must learn slowly and gradually to be effective. It’s those who spend time acquiring skills and knowledge that tend to move faster in life in the area of achievements. To be in a haste to free yourself from learning, be thorough in the acquisition of thy skills. If you cheated to pass an exam, you’ve not acquired the required knowledge enough.
Romans 2:6 ‘For he will render to every man according to his works’. Not all those who worked that’ll be rewarded talk less of those who did no work. The work that’ll receive great reward is that work done after acquiring the proper skills and knowledge and rightly applying it. God bless you
Pastor Promise Ikpe


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