When we preach with the wrong attitude, we’ll get little or no results. In preaching, we must observe certain behaviors and avoid certain attitudes. When we preach with the right attitudes, we shall achieve maximum results. Preach God’s word with the right attitude results in the miracles: transformation of lives, healing of the sick, deliverance of the oppressed etc.

  1. PREACH WITH CONVICTIONs: conviction is displayed in your sermons when you are convinced yourself about such bible doctrine or truth. Your sermons won’t convince anyone if it hasn’t convinced you. In choosing what to preach, make sermons that had convicted and stirred your faith be your choice. An unconvinced man can convince no man
  2. PREACH WITH COMPASSION (Mt 14:14, Mr 6:34): if you are not moved by the compassion in your heart, you won’t achieve results. For examples, if you not moved with compassion that your hearers shall go to hell if you don’t preach the saving grace of God, or that they would die in their diseases if you don’t preach the healing grace of God or that they would continue under demonic oppressions if you didn’t preach the day of the deliverance of the Lord etc. you won’t get the desired result. Let compassion move you to preach, if not your sermon won’t be effective. Jesus is moved with compassion, when you are compassionate over the sinner, the sick, the oppressed etc. and you are moved to preach God’s word to that person, God would be moved in your compassion and respond to His promise to deliver such person you are preaching to with compassion in your heart.
  3. DON’T UNDERSTAND THEIR SITUATION: In preaching, don’t try to understand the situation of the person you are preaching too (the reason why he or she is sick and can’t be healed, or can’t live righteously, or can’t break out of a bad habit, or can’t have children etc.) just preach what God says even if its contrary to the person’s experience. Let God’s word be true and that person’s experience be the lie. Rather preach what God says over what the person feels or experience or what has been the prevailing experiences of the world around that seems contrary to God’s word. When we preach God’s word regardless of the prevailing experience, the word of God will grow mightily and become the prevailing experience. Ac 19:20 So the word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed.
  4. DON’T DILUTE GOD’S WORD TO FIT YOUR REALITY: If God’s word doesn’t look like the reality around your world, don’t dilute it to fit your reality, your reality isn’t the truth, God’s word is. for example, Jesus has said ‘He took our griefs and sorrows’ (see Isa. 53:4) which means we won’t have any sorrows or griefs in our entire Christian life as long as we believe this truth that Christ has taken it away from us. Don’t as a preacher think that this can’t be reality so you try not emphasizing on it or trying to explain it away. If God’s word doesn’t look true in your mind, it doesn’t mean it’s not the truth.
  5. PREACH WITH THE ATTITUDE OF DOING ONLY YOUR PART: it’s God’s responsibility to honor His word, He told the apostles that if the preach what He sent them to preach and whoever believes in their messages that signs and wonders that follow (Mr 16:17). When we preach the word of God as it is, God would make us experience it as it is. It’s not your duty to judge what God can do or not: it’s your duty to preach whatsoever the bible says God can do (say He can do such things), has done (say it’s done) or what He would do (say He would do), say God’s word as it is, and He would confirm the reality of His word.
  6. DON’T PITY THE PEOPLE: when God requires the audience to do certain things, don’t pity and tell yourself they can’t. Whatsoever God requires, He enables. When God told Elijah tell the widow gives her last meal, he didn’t pity her and her son, he told her, when God’s word says we should give our first fruit, don’t pity yourself or the people and not teach it, and after praying for the sick, raise him up don’t pity him that he is sick and still leave him in the sick bed and don’t wait till he looks strong before raising him up etc. do what God’s says and tell men to do same and God would give the result after our obedience and not before our obedience.


Mark 7:13 thus making void the word of God through your tradition which you hand on.

God’s word becomes none effective when we preach with these wrong attitudes. When we preach with the right attitude, we’ll see God’s word working.


  1. What are the things too wonderful for you to believe contained in the scriptures.
  2. What are the ways of conquering doubts?
  3. Describe how you feel preaching what you are not yet convinces of.
  4. How do we pity the people?


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