She said, chose any hotel you want and tell us how many days you want to stay in it and we’ll make it done, we can make you spend a week in Dubai or France, I got a place there for you and someone to take you around any of the cities of your choice to see the choicest of places.
Mention any food you’ll want to eat, any kind of food or drink, no matter the cost, I’ll make it appear before your table or take you to where you’ll have them.
Choose any place you’ll like to visit between Nigeria, Dubai and France and I’ll take you there.
Uploading pictures on facebook of me doing a holiday in the choicest of places in France or Dubai would be great, my online friends would see me as ‘wow!’
Sleeping in the best hotels would look pronounced, having a first class treatment would be splendid but nothing gives me more joy than the joy I’ve found each time I respond to divine mandates.
I told her, when I lead someone to Christ, I am happiest, when I help the sick and diseased find healing and health in Christ I’m over joyed and when I assist the oppressed of the devil find deliverance I’m enthused.
No earthly place, things or food can give Joy; joy is the produce of an accomplished divine task.
Mt 25:23 His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a little, I will set you over much; enter into the joy of your master.'
We enter into Joy anytime we become faithful over a task the Lord has committed into our hands: when we pay a tithe, first fruit offering, sponsor evangelism or partake actively in it, participate in that we know we can do for God etc.
Stop looking for joy in things and places, joy comes after we’ve participated in our divine assignment.
Try leading someone to Christ one day and you’ll understand a bit of what I’m saying.
God bless you
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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