the foolish polar bear

This is how foolish this bear is and how easy hunting it has become. You’ll place blood in a knife and stick the knife strongly in the Snow. When the bear perceives the smell of the blood robbed on the knife, it will begin to lick the blood in the knife till it finally dies. What happened? You might want to know, the knife will bleed the tongue of the bear while it’s licking the blood on the knife and the bear will continue to lick the blood on the knife thinking it is getting new blood without knowing that it’s sucking its own blood till its death.
Is this not what happen to us, when we allow men be sleeping with us because we want their money? You might be enjoying the sex and money till you’ll discover that you are enjoying now to die later; you are sacrificing your future for a momentary pleasure of sin.
What we get via sinful life doesn’t build us, it destroys us. The wages of sin is death the bible says. We can’t get any good thing as a result of immorality, lying, fraud and any sinful acts because the result of sin is always destruction.
The pleasure you might think you are deriving from sin will only bring about your destruction. The bear thought it was getting new blood without knowing that it was its blood that it was sucking unto its death, yes, you might think your sinful life is giving you new-things, more money and favor etc. but you won’t know that it’s only leading you to your death. Nothing good comes out of sin, it might look and feel good now but the end it’s always destruction. None has made it via sinful life, none has successful trained their kids with it or done any meaningful thing that lasted with it, they all regretted their sinful choices. Repent from that sinful life before it’ll lead to your utter destruction.
God bless you
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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