Whenever it rains and drops of rains are falling from the roof, we were told that playing with the rain with our hands will bring about leprosy and that superstition greatly marred my life; I became very afraid of playing in the rain.
Though the aim of this superstition was to forbid me from playing in the rain to avoid cold I guess, but it is wrong to train people to live right by lying. One day, they'll grow up to discover that it was a lie and some can discover it very early thereby defeating the purpose of the superstition. some times the reason for the superstition will be lost and many false meanings would be attached to it. Like one day, I had replied in class that leprosy is caused by playing with rain water that falls from the roof of a building and I was laughed to scorn.

Many parents to teach their children from going out in the night, they'll say 'Ojuju will bite you' or something scary for the child to avoid playing at night or to have the child in control, this too is wrong, by doing that, we damage the courage of the child and trains the child to be afraid of darkness and the devil. This child will grow up in fear of many things because that fear was built into the child from childhood. We must use the love of God to make them obey our instructions and not the fear of the devil.

Superstition should not be used in the upbringing of a child. unfortunately, almost every cultures around the world is ladened with superstitions which many have come to erroneously believe to be true.
Things should either have logical explanation or scriptural backings before it can be applied on our kids; telling the child because its dark that the devil is out there has no scriptural backings. This is why we must use God's word always to effect the training of these kids. They are God's kids and should be trained by God's word and not superstitions (The lies of the devil).

The angel told Sampson parents to train Samson in all the Lord had revealed to them (see Judges 13: 1-13), yes, we should train our children in all that the Lord has revealed to us through the word and not via superstitions. If the word you want to use on the child has no scriptural backings, don't use it no matter how effective you think it is.
We should identify the superstitions that our parents had used to train us and refuse to pass it down to our kids, we would be unfair to them to train with such superstitions.  

1. I repent from using superstitions and lies in the upbringing of my children
2. I ask that every undue fear i've planted in my children via superstition, may it be uprooted in Jesus name.
3. I ask for the grace to effect proper discipline in these children through your love and word 
All these I ask in Jesus name.


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