The sun was intense, it could melt a congealed oil and thaw an ice instantly. The closest ATM was filled with lots of people and this caused the line to be long as it extends into the rays of the hot sun. Everyone was so desperate to get their turn that no one dare leave their line in search of shades because when you do, another person would promptly take your space. This guy has been on this queue for hours, sweating and cursing. 
He was very hungry too and the stress on the ATM queue had made him hungrier and angrier.
Finally, it got to his turn, he checked his watch, it has taken him approximately two and the half hours to get to the dispenser, finally, he felt some sense of victory. When the last person before him was done withdrawing, he'll be the next, this prospect excited him until  that moment, when he checked his pocket, then the other pocket and then his front pocket, the expression on his face changed and he was very disturbed. What's the matter the person behind him asked? he too had been delayed too much and he is not ready to sympathize with him at all. 'please leave so that another can withdraw' he said while attempting to shove him into a corner.
He just realized that he had not picked his ATM card before leaving the house and had not bothered to check while he was on queue.
He felt gutted and very disappointed 
Just like him, many would realize when its too late that they are still not born again. 
The scripture had said, excerpt a man be born again, he shall not see the kingdom of God.
Are you born again?
In a twinkle of an eye, your turn will reach, either sudden death would knock on your door or the rapture would take place, at that moment, you'll realize that you've queued all this while without you ATM card, yes, that you've lived your life without receiving Christ into your heart as your Lord and savior.

But you can receive Christ into your heart today, so that that day will not take you unprepared.
Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people. We don't go to heaven by mistake, neither do we go to hell by mistake. We go to hell only when we overlook the chance to receive Christ into our heart and surrender to His Lordship.
But you can receive Christ  right away and secure your eternal future.

God bless you
Pst. Promise Ikpe
to receive Christ kindly inbox me
Whatsapp +2348088062946


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