If the rapture meets you in that man’s house, no matter your piety, you are going straight to hell for no immoral will go to heaven, I told a woman that had lived with a man who has not married her and has had children for him.
The woman of Samaria that Christ met at the Well was living together with a man in agreement and not because they were married and she had married and divorced 5 other men before she decides to put up with the man she is not married too (see John 4:5-28).
Co-habiting is when you are living together with a man that’s not your relative and both of you are sexually involved.
People co-habit for some reasons and few of those reasons are: 
1. it’s that the lady might want a shelter and she pays by sleeping with the man.
2. Some women see it as a way into the life and house of the man they love.
3. As a means of reducing the cost of living for some female student.
4. As a means of getting money out of the boy, like a girl might come at the weekend and stay over till Monday expecting to leave with some things as a reward.
5. Some women co-habit because he has promised to marry them and thus they call him their husband and gives him all the benefits of such even though he hasn’t actually marry them.
When the Samaritan woman recognised that the man she co-habits with is not her husband, Christ said, she has well said (see vs. 17 and 18).
Co-habiting is a subtle way the devil has used to make even Christians leave in fornication and even if there is no immorality it’s an appearance of evil for which God asks us to flee from.
For those girls that thinks they can get him marry them by living with him, I have this for you, co-habiting is immoral and evil and no good thing will come out of it for you.
God bless you
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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