And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it….
And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Genesis 2:15&18
Destiny is the name of one of the young boys that lived with me while I was living in the city of Aba. He will iron my clothes, polish my shoes, and even chose for me the wear he thinks is fit for every of my speaking appointments as he has a fine thirst for fashion. He knows when I’m thirsty, hungry and when I need a private moment by instinct, with him, I don’t need to ask for anything, I just have it before I’ll have to request for it. Today, I miss him for that role which all of the rest of the people that serves me sometimes have not been able to fulfil. The number one person I’ll want as my personal assistant if I need one would be him and the reason is not that I love him more than the rest of the people that served me but it’s just that he tends to know what I need and meets it before I’ll ask-this is called compatibility.
God first gave Adam a job and an identity before He made for him a woman that meets what he does and who he is (his job and personality) this is called compatibility. The first criteria for any union or team is compatibility; Marrying someone that knows what you need and meets the need even before asking. Some people are angry with this teaching because they think love should be the bases, no, love is not. Love is the cord that ties compatible couples together, or see it this way, love is the nail that joins two woods that had been shaped to fit to be more solid in union. The bible says a man should love his wife (the one he married) i.e. a man should love the one he married and not just marries the one he loves. (Eph. 5:28). Ask any couple that are having a successful marriage if their spouse were the ones they love most as singlet, the answer will be NO.
The one you love most may not fit what you do and who you are, if you marry such person, your marriage will break even before its starts. Just as nail can’t join for long two unfitted joint, so love can’t join two unfitted couples. Check every joint in your body, each bone that joins fitly is held together by muscle tendons. The fitness between the joint can be termed compatibility which comes first and the muscle tendons that held can be seen as love. If you join the toe to the palm, no matter the strength of the tendon, it won’t function, so is marrying a person that doesn’t fit your destiny.  If he yells and you yell too, then your house will be on fire and the fire will consume you both. I see several young people daily and I receives calls from people, if my wife is the kind that always gets jealous and refuses me from seeing people, even if I bear it for a time, with time my relationship with her will crash, compatibility is me marrying someone that not just allows me do what I love doing but is ready to support me in doing it. E.g. if I write, she will be the first that would want to read, if I sings, she will want to be the first to listen…she’ll always want to be my fan as much as I want to be her fan in her own field.
Marry someone that loves what you do, who you are and is ready to support and complement you and not someone that hates what you do, and never complement your weakness. If you talk much, let your husband be someone that listens much. Right from genesis, compatibility has always been the bases for any successful union.
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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