You might have caught yourself in immorality several times, seen yourself steal from people, you may have always find yourself falling to the smell of alcohols and smokes and you seems not to be able to help yourself.
You may have resolved to call yourself an ‘harlot, cheat, alcoholic, smoker, etc.’ you may think that because your sins are too many therefore there is no hope.
Well, you stood condemned by yourself and not God, one day Christ told an immoral woman ‘neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more’. Christ has not condemned you yet, if you can decide to live aright and God has not approved you yet in case you decide to sin. You can still live above that sin, you can still make that your negative life a history of your past, you can still clean your past and start writing a new thing about your life. What matters in our life to God is not what we’ve done for or against Him, but what we are doing now; its not about what we did right or wrong but what we want to do right now and what we doing right now.
If you’ve done wrong before, it doesn't matter, if you’ve done terribly wrong before, it doesn’t matter if you can start doing right now.
The bible has prominent harlots that became saints because at a point in their life, they dropped their past life and embraced a new one, the bible also have prominent saints that fell because at a point their lives they turned away from the path.
You can make that decision now, forget the past because God is not remembering your past, He is only remembering your now and what you planning to do now. You can decide now to drop your yesterlife, you can decide now to drop immorality, you can decide now to receive Christ into your life as your Lord and personal savior.
No matter how relevant I may have deceived myself to be in the kingdom of God, the thing that would take me to heaven will be what I would be doing when Christ will come and not what I had done prior to then likewise, it is what you’ll be doing when Christ will come and not your past that will determine your bliss in heaven.
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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