As a child growing in the barracks, I get so familiar with the drug Genocine, I got familiar with it because before the full blown of every mango season, I would suffer stomach ache which genocine was the cure.
I suffer this stomach ache because of my impatience; I won’t allow the mangoes to ripe before I start eating them. I would eat unripe mangoes and suffer stomach ache. The funny thing was that after I’ve suffered from previous unripe mangoes experience, I wouldn’t be able to wait; I would still go for more unripe mangoes and still suffer and suffer.
Unripe mangoes aren’t sweet and convenient with the mouth and yet I felt bounded to it and kept suffering stomach aches.
When we engage in pre-marital sex, we are like that child that wouldn’t wait till a fruit is ripe before eating it, the result would be un-satisfaction (unripe fruits can’t give you the satisfaction the ripe ones would give to you), guilt and dishonour (premarital sex destroys ones honor before men and God).
Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned? Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned? So he that goeth in to his neighbour’s wife; whosoever toucheth her shall not be innocent. Proverbs 6:27-29
Just like you can’t step on hot coal and not get burnt likewise you can’t be guilty of immorality and not suffer the peacelessness, guilt, dis-satisfactions about everything, hate etc. and no matter what you do these wouldn’t go away.
This is a mystery, no matter how many people and style you try it with, you’ll never be satisfied with sex till you meet the right person under the right condition.
Why destroy your fruits before its ripped, yes, while sleep with your fiancé before you are married, wait for the right time and enjoy him/her without any backlashes.
We destroy our selves when we engage into immoral acts, it’s like eating unripe fruits, and it would bring us ill-health instead of better health.
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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