But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men. John 2:24

Mr. Obi after betraying his brother because of money and having squandered all the money came back and asked for forgiveness, seeing the way the betrayal went, his brother at first refused to forgive him until his brother caught him attempting suicide and when his brother asked him why he wants to kill himself, he said that it was because of the weight of regret that he feels concerning what he did to him, therefore his brother forgave him.
With time, his brother gave him access to all his money having trusted him but to his disappointment, Mr. Obi his brother made away with all of his company’s money including the loan the company took from that bank and ran away and this made him forever broke and hugely indebted.
An un-regenerated heart is never to be trusted. A sinner cannot turn away from sin unless he has given his life to Christ. When a sinner sins, he behaves in accordance to his own nature; when a man is evil and regrets being evil, such man needs to give his life to Christ to truly change from that evil ways; forgive an evil person today, you’ll still need to forgive him tomorrow for the same offense and next tomorrow for similar offense because to err is a normal phenomenon to the un-saved human.
If a man is a cheat, he will always be a cheat no matter how many times he promises not to cheat again; a sinner can’t live righteously, it’s impossible, it is only the saved in Christ Jesus that can truly forsake their evil ways.
What should I then do when I discover that people are tend to keep harming me? Start praying for the salvation of such person and while waiting for divine intervention, don’t commit yourself to them. When Christ did a miracle and the Jews were cheering Him, He refuses to allow their temporary praises to let Him commit Himself to them. During the Palm Sunday they cheered Him and during Easter, they demanded for His crucifixion.
That he asked for forgiveness and promises not to do it again doesn’t mean he won’t do it again for a sinner has no power against the forces that leads him to sin; it’s only those that had given their lives to Christ that had received the power to say No to sin. Today he is begging, tomorrow he’ll commit similar thing again.
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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