This is the story of the girl I’ve been counselling for a while now.
My mum had me out of wedlock because she was never really married, today she is with this man and the next day the other, my siblings and I are now used to seeing several men come live with us at successions.
Each of these men usually make advances to me which I object till I was raped at gun point by one of them, from then, I thought I had lost it all and had no need to go on in life, I submitted myself to who gives me even the weakest signal to sleep with me and every other illegitimate pleasures just to quiet that awful feeling in me to no avail.
Am now traumatized, I fail in school, I developed bad habits like chewing tissue papers, masturbating every day, I cut myself with razor blades, hated my mum so much for not doing anything about the rape issue when I told her about it and had attempted a failed suicide.
Today I am now a new person having overcome all those bad habits, I’ve learnt from your various teaching and counselling that I don’t have to keep allowing my past haunt down my future; Jesus has saved me.
We can’t redo the past but we can keep the past in the past and move on, if you are still holding on to hate from an offence in the past or letting your past experience destroy your morality then you can’t move forward.
Don’t because you were defiled allow yourself to be continually defiled, today can be a new day for you.
God had said to all those who have a terrible past ‘remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?’ Isaiah 43:18-19.
Not until you let go the past and concentrate on the future you will never move forward in life. So look at the future and you won’t know when you’ve totally let go of the past in your life
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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