God gives His multiplication power to the seeds. When you want get God multiply anything, it’s the seed of such thing the multiplication will come from. It’s those that eats everything dies soon of hunger and starvation. If you have ten grains of corn and you want God to multiply them for you seeing ten grains wont be enough to see you through in life, its not the grains you ate that God would increase and multiply but the one you used as seed and sowed that God gives His increase grace on the seed.
Abraham got his promise and land through his seed: ‘...I will multiply your seed as the stars of heaven, and all this land that I have spoken of will I give unto your seed, and they shall inherit it for ever’ Ex. 32:13. It was through his seed that he got the land the Lord has promised him.
If God has promised you anything; land, wealth, greatness, anointing, prosperity, children, marriage etc., it’s through your seeds that you shall receive your inheritance.
God got the world back from the devil by His seed: yes, Christ was the seed of God; God gave up Christ His only begotten son because He too wants to receive back to Himself the world which the devil has stolen from man. It’s through your seed that you shall reposses whatsoever the devil has stolen from your life. God too was subject to this principle for Him to get back what He lost, don’t think you are exempted.
You want to a prosperous life? You want to receive the promise of God’s word over you life and buisness? Is their a promise of God over your life you are awaiting its fulfilment? Is their anything the enemy has stolen from you that you wish to recover back? The answer is in your seed.
The grace of God for multiplication has been put to use in the seed. Not sowing for whatsoever reason is eating your seed and it’s its power to multiply. (Poor men were those that ate their seeds)
Today I invite you to sow with The Ministers Ministry Intl and the grace you see daily through the testimonies of what God is doing amidst us would rob off your life and career and you’ll catch up with the blessings of God for your life.
God bless you
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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