Someone once said, 'outside Africa, a thief is investigated thoroughly and every theft he was involved in would be investigated and his degree of involvement established before he'll be accused as a thief in the court of law. In Africa, someone who was arrested for smoking Indian hemp would be tortured by the police until he accepts that he was responsible for all the unsolved theft cases  of the police'.
Many are shot dead by the police in Africa because some senior police officers want to prove that they are working yet crime goes unabated.
When you take a man innocent of a crime and torture him until he accepts he committed certain crimes he had never committed, then you have made sure the perpetrators of that crimes walk free to commit the crime again and again.
We lie about everything in Africa to our detriment, in sports we gather over-aged players and change their age to suit the category required. This make us neglect those who are actually in such age category in favor for those who aren't. When we do this, we might win now and fail in the future because we'll have no future in sports as long as we keep using over aged players for competitions meant for those under their age.
We win under 17-20 world championships repeatedly, but we never win the senior world championships because we lied about our age.
Dishonesty has become such a normal way of life in Africa that its no longer considered wrong. A one time president of Nigeria could lie about his age and when the truth was discovered, no one got upset about it because every sector had already being built on lies; the president isn't the only one who had lied about his age, many civil servants, sports men/women, public servants and students etc.
a liter of fuel is no longer the true measure of a liter of fuel, and so many false balances being used in our enterprise. The company or business that's discovered to be using false balances isn't frowned out, many Africans have never known the true balance for most of what they patronize.

If we must rebrand Africa, we must set another foundation, a foundation laid on honesty and integrity. A foundation where our age is our age, the accused is truly the perpetrator, a measure of any goods in its true measure, the boundary of our lands is its true boundary, and opportunities go to those who truly earned them through diligence and handwork etc.

The society built on falsehood has no future, but that built on truth, honesty and integrity will out last generations.
As an African, have you being using false balances? Have you lied about your age to earn or become qualified for something that aren for those of your age category?
Its time you stop walking or earning on falsehood and lies, yes everyone does it but if you truly want a rebranded Africa, you have to open up to the truth and never take what you don't earn by its requirement.
Africa would become better when we begin to walk in honesty and integrity.
join Rebrand Africa, let us Rebrand Africa
Promise Ikpe (President Rebrand Africa)


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