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Scribes Stories lesson series Mrs Victory cried, I made my husband a cheat. Her heart is broken as she rued everything she had done to push her husband into the life of immorality and eventually the breakage of her home. Mrs  Anita just shared with her, a principle she had applied in her home that straightened what was to be a crooked spouse.  She listened to Mrs Anita's story, how she knew her husband, Mr Segun who was known to have a weak spot for anything on skirt, and how though Mrs. Anita knew about her husband's weakness yet would kept calling her husband, 'Faithful and exemplary husband and father'. She said, she did that because she cared more about what her husband can become and not what he was. I called forth the type of man I want to see him be and I avoided words that described him as a husband I don't wish him to be. The more upset I was about his flirtations, the more I intensify calling him 'Faithful and exemplary husband and father'. ...


You always have a bad opinion of people, you are very suspicious of them being vile and evil. You only have a bad report to give about those around you. What you see in people would soon become evident in you, that is why those who see everyone as being wicked turn-out to be wicked themselves and those who see others as being good turn out good themselves. If you are found of discussing the evil in people, soon that evil you see in them would become evident in you See good in people, There is something Good in people if there is not, God won't say after creation that what He created was Good. Yes, people can be vile and evil, but lay hold of the good and excellent in them and when you have to discuss those people, discuss the aspect of them that are good and comely and ignore those that aren't. The more you discuss the good and comely in people, the more you multiply that goodness and the more you talk about the evil and the vile the more, you multiply it. Find out ...


Adaugo was having an argument with her son, he had done some business and made money, she had asked for money but he had refused to give to her so she would find a way to take his money. He was so ready to beat her up until the money is restored and when asked why, he said 'I do everything for my mother and even do her business and give her the money and when I still find time to make money for myself, she wants to take it' A child shouldn't do everything for the parents, a parent should do everything for the child. Parents who misunderstand this servant leadership spirit are the ones who raises children that'll neglect them as adults. The way you treat your kids as children is the way they'll treat you when you are old; if you serve them, they'll serve you and if you exploit and use them, they'll exploit and use you. Cecilia Ikpe my mother would always say, 'its my duty to serve my kids'. she washes for us, cooks for us, bathe us, wo...


The sun was intense, it could melt a congealed oil and thaw an ice instantly. The closest ATM was filled with lots of people and this caused the line to be long as it extends into the rays of the hot sun. Everyone was so desperate to get their turn that no one dare leave their line in search of shades because when you do, another person would promptly take your space. This guy has been on this queue for hours, sweating and cursing.  He was very hungry too and the stress on the ATM queue had made him hungrier and angrier. Finally, it got to his turn, he checked his watch, it has taken him approximately two and the half hours to get to the dispenser, finally, he felt some sense of victory. When the last person before him was done withdrawing, he'll be the next, this prospect excited him until  that moment, when he checked his pocket, then the other pocket and then his front pocket, the expression on his face changed and he was very disturbed. What's the matter the pers...


Whenever it rains and drops of rains are falling from the roof, we were told that playing with the rain with our hands will bring about leprosy and that superstition greatly marred my life; I became very afraid of playing in the rain. Though the aim of this superstition was to forbid me from playing in the rain to avoid cold I guess, but it is wrong to train people to live right by lying. One day, they'll grow up to discover that it was a lie and some can discover it very early thereby defeating the purpose of the superstition. some times the reason for the superstition will be lost and many false meanings would be attached to it. Like one day, I had replied in class that leprosy is caused by playing with rain water that falls from the roof of a building and I was laughed to scorn. Many parents to teach their children from going out in the night, they'll say 'Ojuju will bite you' or something scary for the child to avoid playing at night or to have the child...


All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. 2 Tim. 3:16 God is very much interested in the upbringing of our children that's why He gave us His word. We should use God's word to teach, to reproof, to correct and to instruct our children in righteousness. This means, when you want to correct any bad character in your kids, look for relevant scriptures and use that to correct that child If you want to teach any virtue for your kids like humility, generosity, prayerfulness etc., use relevant scripture to teach that child such virtue If you want to rebuke a child for a misbehavior, use relevant scripture to rebuke the child; show the child the consequences of such evil behavior both in this world and in the world to come. Unfortunately, many parents chooses to use their own understanding to train this children, that's why they abuse them with words and with canes...


Many people are of the opinion that mosquitoes are 'very very bad'; they give malaria, make sleeping difficult as they disturb your ear and they sulk your blood. While these are true of mosquitoes, one of the biggest benefits of my life came after I encountered the mosquitoes in Aba. Aba-Made Mosquitoes are the worst, they'll make you add them to your prayer list. incidentally I schooled in Aba. I had moved to this apartment given to me by the school principal, the mosquitoes in this apartment  was so much that even during the day, even our guests can't leave without blood stains on their clothes. We slept individually with mosquito repellant and once the smell is exhausted, every mosquito that missed you due to that repellant would troupe at once on you. One day, during our prayer vigil, one of us raised the issue of mosquito as a prayer point. This was how he presented it 'Promise! you are from Umuahia, Do you have Mosquitoes in Umuahia? yes I repl...