We are grateful for the support we received during ‘Zoë Ghana 2014’ the success of that program boils down to the few people God used to make it a reality and I tell you, if we are to return to Ghana for another program the attendances would be awesome for the great things God did in that land.
The fund raising we called for which few people have only fulfilled their pledges and we’ve received only 397$ though the budget was for 4000$. We are still far and the time is upon us. I shall be in South Africa to prepare for our outreach there in less than 2 weeks and then Harare and yet most people haven’t vowed or fulfilled their vows.
The work of God has always been funded by the generosity of those who love God with all their hearts and minds and wealth.
I call on all those who love the Lord and would want others outside whatsapp to benefit from the gospel to donate and help us meet this need.
I have this firm believe that there is someone out there that the Lord has laid the burden of helping out in this gospel reach out project.
God loves cheerful givers, and we don’t get impoverished by giving.
For those who joined newly and don’t know about our inter-nations outreach can inquire especially if they have the desire to help out.
Keep praying for these outreaches.
Keep donating if you have been blessed.
God bless you as you support us.
None that have sent in donations that didn’t have a testimony and none that will that won’t have because this is the Lord’s commission.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
If you want to donate from any nation you are, kindly, tell us how much and when and we shall send you details on how to send your donations in relation to the country you are.


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