… for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God…
Deutronomy 20:5
Jealousy is defined as fiercely protective or vigilant
of one’s right or possessions or demanding
exclusive attention.
When you love someone, you’ll want such a one to
show exclusive loyalty and attention to you i.e. you
want such a person’s attention for you be
unrivaled and unequalled to the attention he/she
shows to others and that is how it should be.
Is Jealousy wrong? The answer is No because
even God exhibits this trait as He to demands
exclusive worship i.e. He doesn’t want us to serve
another god beside Him.
What should I do when I’m feeling Jealous? Many
boys have gone all out to beat there girl friends
and many girl friends have insulted and rashly
opted out of relationships they so wanted because
they were overwhelmed with jealousy. So when we
are jealous we should sit down and find out what
our spouse does that makes us jealous then
discourse it with him/her. God told us plainly in
Exodus 20 the particular thing that makes Him
Jealous and warned us not to do it, in same wise
we need to point out those things (manner of
relating with others) that if our spouses engage on
that will make us feel jealous and discourse it with
If you are in a relationship, your deepest attention
and fellowship should be with your spouse. Never
give similar deep attention you give to your spouse
to another if not you’ll stir the spirit of Jealousy
and end that relationship.
When a person is not jealous that you werent
exclusive with him/her then such a person is not
exclusive with you either; it is that person that has
committed his whole attention to you that will
want to have all of your attention.
If you are in a relationship and your person is
making you jealous, try to talk to him/her about it,
if he/her continues then end such relationship, its
not meant for you; jealousy is weighty, none needs
to live under its weight.
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe.
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