SAVED BY OBEDIENCE (Genesis 19:1-29)

He came out against his fellow men and defended the strangers which eventually were the angels of God that have come into the city to destroy it; he has taken them into his house and ‘…and he made them a feast, and baked unleavened bread, and they ate’ vs. 3. Abraham the father of faith was his uncle and Lot was his name.

And when they had brought them forth, they said, "Flee for your life; do not look back or stop anywhere in the valley; flee to the hills, lest you be consumed. Genesis 19:17

His relationship with Abraham and hospitality to the messengers of God (Angels) wouldn’t stop him from being destroyed as long as he remains in that wicked city; Sodom and Gomorrah. Therefore the Angels told him ‘escape for your life! Do not look behind you or stay anywhere close to this duo city, lest you will be destroyed by their destructions’ (Emphasis added)

Our relationships with great and holy men of God are not the criteria for salvation from the wrath of God. That we were born into a Christian family do not make us a Christian or qualify us for the rapture. Someone once said to me that God will consider him because almost all his siblings together with his parents are ministers of the gospel of God. What this person doesn’t realize is that God judges strictly on our personal obedience to God’s direct command to us.
The best that our godly relations can do for us is to pray for us to have encounters with the truth or opportunity to be saved. That you are reading these sermons and getting these opportunities is because your godly relations have prayed for you to be saved but accepting and believing God’s word is strictly of your self-will.
Lot’s salvation depends on his obedience to the angel’s message to run out of that city and not to stay anywhere close. Yes, our salvation depends on giving our lives to Christ and paying diligent attention to His commands and not of our relationship with great men of God.
run out of sin, if not our hospitality to messengers of God and our relationship with great men of God are not criteria for salvation rather running out of sin and running to the mountain yes, running into Christ Jesus is the criteria. Where are you now? Are you still in the city of Sodom and Gomorrah or you’ve ran to Christ? Answer yourself sincerely.
God bless you.

Pastor Promise Ikpe
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