This brother has being believing God for a major change in his financial life, this sister has being praying for a spouse, this mother has being asking God to take away the strange woman in her husband’s life, this father has being desiring for a transformation in the life of his delinquent child and the list goes on.
God does not desire to keep us long waiting for our miracles (For every one that asketh receiveth...Mat. 7:8), we are the reason the miracle doesn’t come-forth and as long as we keep impeding our miracles, we’ll continue to wait endlessly.
I prayed for so long without answers, I fasted for years without results and at a time, I began to believe the lie of the devil that God doesn’t care about me neither does He respond to prayer. Well, God’s grace held me on till God open my eyes to this truth.
Miracle doesn’t start from without, it starts from within; it’s the victory of God’s word inside of us that would produce the victory over our circumstances without.
When we resist the working of God’s word within, we’ve impeded the miracle without.
If our heart is filled with sadness, unforgiveness, bitterness, pride, immoral thoughts and lots of evil, we impede the miracle.
Eph 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.
The power of God that works abundantly above all that we ask or think, works in accordance to the victory of the power of God’s word within us. If you can let God’s word break your hardened heart and you just let go of bitterness and unforgiveness, if you can let God’s word sanctify your heart from every form of filthiness, then the power of God would work out your answers in abundances. Glory!
If you are angry that you’ve waited long in a particular situation, God didn’t keep you waiting, you kept yourself; It’s only in the old testament that they have to wait for the blessings, in the new testaments, the blessings wait for us. Glory!
The power that would heal your marriage starts from inside of you, the power that bring your spouse, flows from within you, the power that would resurrect you from that sick bed, begins internally etc. let the power of God’s word first transform you then it would transform the situation.
God bless you
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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