When I was to take my junior waec (Junior O’Level exam organized by West African Exam body) all my teachers predicted I will be the best in each of their subjects when the result comes out. Each time I hear any of my teachers boasting of me coming out as best, my heart would pant greatly and I would not want to disappoint. One day, one of our teachers in anguish because we her students weren’t responding well to her lessons, said ‘atleast Promise would vindicate me that I taught you people after the exams when He passes’. My teachers believed i’ll pass though I hadn’t taken the exam then, like them Christ believes you’ll overcome every temptation to sin. He believes you’ll give your heart to Him and serve Him faithfully with all of your heart. He believes you’ll overcome the lust to become immoral, the pressures to sin and the distractions from the devil to cease to worship Him in truth and in spirit therefore He had already written your name in the book of life.
Re 3:5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.

Do you know that your name was already written in the book of life even before you were born to face life? Christ didn’t doubt your ability to overcome and make it to heaven, but He has also prepared to remove your name incase you chose not to overcome.
Yes, those who live in sin are those who chose to be overcome by evil and sin, those who chose not to receive Christ’s provision for their redemption. Salvation has been made so easy because Christ came and did all the hard work, leaving us only to trust on what He did for us on the cross of Calvary. The offer of salvation is so simple that Christ had already written our names in the book of life because He believes we’ll all chose the part of salvation and be saved.
If your name isn’t in the book of life, it’s not because Christ didn’t write it in there but because you blotted your name out by not accepting Christ as your Lord and personal savior and maintaining your relationship with Christ by studying and living out God’s word and serving Him in a good church.
Is your name still in the book of life? You can have it rewritten today by repenting and giving your life to Christ, to give your life to Christ, kindly inbox me.
God bless you
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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