A barbershop in the USA had a one-day free hair cut which an African and an European have the opportunity to be partakers, the next day, the barbershop received flowers and a ‘thank you card’ from the European and guess what the shop received from an African?; A long line of other Africans seeking for free haircuts.
The African man would want to suck dry whatsoever means of food or help they’ve received without making any effort to ‘give back’ to the source in terms of appreciation. That’s why they tend to lose friendship, aids and financial partnership.
The uncle of an African child is wary of the calls of his nibbling, the godfathers of an African would wait in vain for appreciation cards and the caring brother of an African man would be sucked dry.
Wherever there are ‘freebies’ that’s where an average African man naturally queues up. He wants to take without giving back.
That’s why the African falls easily to ponzi-schemes, Internet frauds and lots more. 4 out 5 Africans are victims of fraud. Ask an average African, you’ll hear a tale him being a victim of fraud; he had followed the African instinct to reach out for what he won’t have to give back to and thus ended up being defrauded.
Africans naturally take and don’t ‘give back’ appreciation.
I was on a public bush when the ‘bus conductor’ wanted to slam the door against the hands of one of the passengers who had forgotten to remove his hands from the door frames, it was happening so fast that I had to throw myself on the door so that it won’t slam the hand of the passenger and when the passenger noticed what just happened, instead of thanking me for saving his hands from being crushed, he picked a fight with the conductor for attempting to slam the door on his hands.
Gratitude is not one of the makeups of an average African.
When you are grateful to what you use, you show appreciation by caring for it. There is little or no balance between taking and giving back in the mind of an average African.
Instead of a sincere ‘thank you very much’, an African would rather say, ‘I never begged you, don’t give me again, I can stay without your help etc.’
If we must grow as Africans, if we must make Africa the place to be, we must learn to give back, we must stop queuing for things we’ve haven’t worked for, we must appreciate and exalt the dignity in labor, we must not keep returning to places where we’ve gotten something free before, we must stop saying ‘I never begged you, don’t give me again, I can stay without your help etc’ instead we should count it as a privilege and see it as a huge favor whenever we receive help in cash or kind from anyone even when they are related to us.
Even God appreciates a cup of water given in His name to anyone, if God who owns the water appreciates when we give His water in His name to someone, we should sure learn how to be thankful at all times and to everyone.
The African society won’t become better until Africans becomes thankful and appreciative of little favors and helps. Africa will become the jewel of the world when Africans stop queuing up for ‘freebies’
No place on the face of the earth would be better than Africa when Africans learn to be thankful and stop reaching out for ‘free things’
Promise Ikpe


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