The reason we have financial problems now is because we didn’t began early sowing seeds for our lives. We want all the comforts now and forget that he that enjoys all the pleasures now would have no more pleasure to enjoy tomorrow. Life is run spiritually and it’s only what you have received in the spirit that shows up in the material world and if you want to harvest financial blessings, you must be a constant seed sower.
Certain facts about seed sowing:
The result of your harvest is the consequences of your giving (sowing); if you give small, you reap small and if you give big, you reap big. 2Co 9:6
You give to enrich yourself not because you are rich yet: when a farmer sows seed, he didn’t enrich the earth, he enriched his tomorrow (harvest times). We all have harvest times, but if we sow no seed, our harvest times would have no harvest. When you sow seeds, you help yourself and not God. Prov. 11:24
The place you sow your seeds affects your harvest: sowing on the wrong soil would yet little or no harvest. A good farmer properly chose his planting site. Pray for directions and sow seeds in the place or person you want God to use to bless you. This person must have shown evidence of being used by God to evangelise the world. Mal 3 says in my store house ‘a church/ministry’, Job 42:8 says ‘God’s righteous servant/the person you believe in his/her prayers’
Not sowing is an act of doubt: If you believe God, you won’t find it difficult to trust His with your finance. Those that can’t trust God with their finances, God wouldn’t trust them with finances too. Most people want to give to God after they’ve received the miracle; they can’t just risk giving the little they have till they are sure. Well, if you don’t trust God with your finance, God wouldnt respond to you. To the shrewd, God is cunning. Gal. 6:7. There is no greater insult than not trusting God with our finances.
Everyman God blessed with wealth first sowed and sowed till they prevailed in seed sowing. When you find it difficult to give at all, or give God the best, it’s the devil that’s responsible. To those that are economical with God, God would be economical with them.
Do you want financial harvest in forms of jobs, contracts etc. start looking for what to sow and where to sow it.
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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