Someone asked me why are the miracles Christ talked much about following believers aren’t evident in almost most believers lives? I looked at him and replied, it’s because we are not disicplers or partners in discipleship. Yes, an average believer doesn’t even know how to lead a sinner to Christ.
Signs and wonders become evident in the lives of believers the day they partner with the Holy-Spirit to reach-out to the unsaved. It is as we go and preach that Christ said of healing of the sick, cleansing of the lepers, raising of the death etc. would become evident (see Matt. 10:8).
Since you began working, has you money helped in the salvation of even one sinner? Do you have a portion of your salary that you kept apart for the supporting of evangelical work seeing you are occupied yourself to particularly partake in it? Have you taught anyone the scripture with the aim of leading such a one to Christ?
When we don’t partake in evangelism, we would never partake in the supernatural life Christ made available for the saints. Supernatural lives like healing the sick by laying hands on them, raising the death, trampling upon snakes and scorpions and over all the powers of the enemy, casting out devils, living above sickness, and barreness and having a never ending prosperity etc. these supernatural lives only follow active believers (an active believer is that believer that makes others believers through partnering with active ministries or actively involved in soul winning/discipleship).
In The Ministers Ministry Intl (TMMI), we ensure that every of our member gets involved in evangelism through bible study groups. You hunt and make disciples which you shall nurture through your home bible group.
If you want to be a discipler, we shall be sending you what to teach, if you want to partner with us, you are free inbox me.
When you partner, you help yourself not us, when you become a discipler, you help yourself not us. All these blessings/miracles follow only those that have sought first the kingdom of God and its righteousness.
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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