God first gave the first man a responsibility (naming animals and caring for the garden) before He gave him a companion (relationship). When we go for relationship first before our career, we destroy our lives and end up in the wrong hands.
First pursue your education and if you are not in school, pursue skill acquisition or learn a trade before seeking for a relationship. When we seek for relationship when we’ve not pursued and achieved our career, we shall end up in the wrong hands.
God shall only present to you your ideal spouse when you have your career in your hands.
You have no career, you are not pursuing any dream in life and you are busy seeking for a boyfriend or girl friend, my friend, you are about to destroy your future.
When you have a relationship before you achieve a career, the rigorities of the relationship would destroy your dream in life.
If your heart starts getting fond of somebody while you are still pursuing your career; education, skill acquisition, or trade etc.
The bible says; don’t act on your feelings rather ‘Keep your heart with all vigilance...’ Prov. 4:23
The bible says always watch your heart so that you wont fall in love when you’ve not achieved your career.
I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or the hinds of the field, that you stir not up nor awaken love until it please. Song 2:7
Don’t fall in love until it’s the right time and it’s the right time when you’ve achieved your career in life or captured your dream.
The bible says; don’t awake the love feeling till its time for it. All those who started falling in love at early age ended up as single mothers, murderers (abortionist), school drop outs and life-relegate.
If you want to be great in life and marry properly, first fall in love with your career before falling into any relationship.
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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