It was a funny question though but i learnt so much from it, when a child asked his dad, why did the field grew weeds, the father looked at him and replied, it’s because useful plants weren’t planted on the field by the owner of the field.
Yes, when we sow no seed on our field, thorns and thistles will grow on it, and like that field so is life, when you sow not what you want to harvest from it into it, you’ll reap thorns and thistles.
Ga 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap
The only way to determine your harvest is when you till and sow for it but if you sit there and expect harvest when you’ve not sown, your life would be a product of circumstances and happenstances.
Don’t leave the field of your life empty, if you do, the devil will sow thorns and thirstles for you.
The only way to take charge of your world is to begin sowing what you want to reap out of it.
How do you sow?
1.    You sow by speaking (Pr 18:21): God actually made the world the way He wanted by the words of His mouth and if we want to make our world the way we want, we too must use the words of our mouth. (Though I have no kids yet, but I keep declaring that my kids are bright, well-mannered, feared God, above sickness, that they are genius in whatsoever field they chose in life etc.). I won’t wait and allow circumstances to define them for me, so I have started defining them by the words of my mouth. Define your marriage, define you spouse, define your health, define your job, define the society you want to live in etc. and don’t allow circumstances to do so for you.
2.    Sow financial seeds (Pr 11:25): it’s the generous soul that is made fat and it he who waters that is watered. If you want the abundance in your world, have a planned life of giving. Tithes, offerings, gift to the poor etc. if you are not giving, the earth won’t respond to your effort.
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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