Many people have come to me showing picture of who they want to marry and wanting me to confirm if its God’s will for them. Each time i  pray for these pictures and names and see such a complex future that it’s so hard for me to answer Yes it’s the will of God or No its not. When you’ve lived your entire life not doing the will of God and then suddenly you wanted to marry and you start seeking for the will of God, isn’t it confusion of interest? Before God brought Eve to Adam, Adam was doing the very work God wants him to be doing and staying the very place God wants in to be staying (garden). If Adam has left the garden and instead of being a gardener has turned to a hunter and suddenly started asking God for His will in marriage, what would God’s reply be? I think its, go back to the garden, be a gardener and there i’ll bring eve out of you. Is in doing the will of God that we find the person we shall call our spouse in the will of God.
If God wants you to be in Lagos and you went to Spain seeking for God’s will, how will God reply you in such case, He will sure ignore you in your error unless you be ready to return first to Lagos.
God’s will come like a chain reaction; this event leads to that and that and that till it gets to marriage and continues. But when you avoid God’s will in giving your life to Christ, avoid God’s will in career choice, avoid God’s will in the choice of residences, how then do you expect God’s will in marriage?
It is those who do the will of God that finds the will of God. You are living a life of rebel against God’s word and now you want God’s will in your choice of spouse, sorry, you’ll sure get a rebellious spouse because what you get on the pathway of disobedience is the disobedient and what you get in the pathway of unfaithfulness to God are people who will be unfaithful to you including your spouse no matter how hard you prayed and got prayer helps before getting married.
If you want to marry the will of God in the future, start doing the will of God now.
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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