If i had married ten years ago, my wife would have married me believing that she married a civil engineer. And now that i’m a pastor, it will be war and the marriage would be a disaster because the person she had in mind to marry isn’t the person she is seeing and me would not be happy because as a pastor, my definition for an appropriate spouse would had changed.
The reason many marriages are failing now is that it came quite too early for either or both of the couples. Life changes in stages, what and who you like at 18 changes when you are at 25 and it changes when you get to 30. If you’ve not totally changed into adult personality, then you can’t choose properly for yourself the spouse you want. Those who married before they became adults, marry to divorce latter.
You don’t become adult the day you start developing hairs on your private parts or using pads, you become an adult the day you enter your destiny in life i.e. the day you discover your talent and purpose in life and steer towards establishing it.
God saw Adam only fit for marriage not because his voice has not deepened, not because he now has mustache, not because he now got hairs on his private part etc. but because he now knew his purpose in the garden and he is now working to accomplish that aim.
If you marry because you think you are lonely, greater loneliness will continue even in your spouse’s house because marriage is no cure for loneliness, God is. Adam didn’t marry because he was lonely but because he was alone in the pursuit of his purpose in life.
You are only qualified to get a spouse when you are alone in your pursuit of your destiny. It’s when you’ve discovered yourself that’s when you’ll be able to ascertain your spouse without mistake.
When someone comes to marry, first find out if he is an adult. An adult is that man that had discovered his purpose on earth and is gearing towards accomplishing it. Marriage is the merging of like purposes, if you don’t know your purpose; you can’t find the suitable person to merge with.
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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