Jephtah started as the son of a harlot who was never allowed a place in his father’s inheritance, he actually spent his life in the caves growing up with other societal outcast.
You may have being born under a cloud of rejection and dejection, and not having the basics things of life  like other privileged children are getting, it doesn't matter, Jephtah also started on a wrong foot but ended up being the Judge and ruler of Israel. If you can hold on to your dreams and stop blaming circumstances for not giving you the basics, you’ll still achieve your destiny in life. Whether you believe this or not, there are those who were more less privileged in life than you and still made it in life.
Rahab started as a harlot, for whatsoever reason; maybe she was raped when she was small and then this overwhelming sex urge took over her and she became a harlot, maybe no money or job and she started selling her body to men, maybe some evil spirit possessed her and she couldn’t control herself or may she grew up amidst harlots and she learnt it etc., the fact was that she started her life as a harlot but because of her encounter with the servants of God, she ended her life not as a harlot but as a great woman. That you’ve already made a name in evil; drug addict, prostitute, armed-robber, cheat, liar etc. doesn’t mean you can’t change that name and be a better person.
No matter your family and childhood background, you can still make it in life, even if you lack the basics; love, education and opportunity, you can still make it in life, Jephtah didn’t have any of these basic necessities of life and yet he became a king.
No matter the mistakes you’ve made in your past life: now you’ve become a single parent, drug addict, drunkard, sex-addict etc. and you’ve given up on yourself on becoming useful in life, I tell you, Rahad also started on a wrong foot and made several mistakes and became a prostitutes but she got hold of God’s word and later became useful, her name was listed as the great grand mother of our Lord Jesus Christ.
God still have a space for you in His book of great people, and that you are alive is the sign He still believes in you that you’ll finally place your name in that book. Only stop complaining about your starting point, today is the first day of your life, yesterday is gone, let it go with your mistakes too.
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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