A very wonderful child of God was complaining to me how life has being so harsh on him; he told me about the rejection from his dad for not choosing a course he wanted, he told me about how his relatives wouldn’t help him out, he continued by telling me how her fiancee has left him for a wealthier man after he has spent so much for her in his little income and as he continued, tears started falling from his face, even now that he has graduated, all his mates have gotten jobs except for him. And ended up and said, ‘and have been faithful to God the best way i have been graced to’
I started smiling and told him, you are winning points in life and he replied, what do you mean by winning points? I said, like in a game, when you started scoring early, the odds of winning the game will be falling towards you. All these you are narrating means only one thing; you are winning the points that would make you great in life.
Each of the struggles you are encountering are the very thing that are giving you winning points in life; the rejections, frustrations, heartbreaks, delays etc. are God very way of giving us a head starts to greatness in life.
Every man God made great had similar encounter; Moses was cast into the river, Jephtah was chased out of his father’s house, David slept in the cave for about 7 years, Abraham was barren for years etc.
When God is interested in shooting you farther in life than your mates, this is the only way He does it.
Ro 8:37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
All the saints of old become conquerors through sufferings and persecutions and rejections and frustrations therefore when you are facing similar things as a Christian that loves God dearly it’s because you are on the pathway to greatness.
Each disappointing situation you pass through in life are God means of giving you a winning point. It has always being through faith and endurance that we shall posses the promise (Heb. 6:12).
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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